I want to start CD'ing but, I'm so overwhelmed by all the intricacies and different diaper options. I have questions like: do you have to change them more frequently? Do you change the inserts rather than changing the whole diaper? Just to list a few...
I think I am going to with the sunbaby diapers from ebay (30 diapers, 60 inserts).
Do you ladies have any good online resources for CD'ing basics? TIA.
Re: Overwhelmed with CD'ing...
it is a lot of information at first.
Yes, you need to change more frequently, every 2-3 hours. Sometimes at the beginning every hour.
If you get pockets, which I think sunbaby are, you have the change the whole diaper.
pinstripesandpolkadots.com has some great basics info!
Definately look at pinstripesandpolkadots.com There is a lot of good info on there.
You might want to try a trial to see what you like the best and what fits your baby the best. We did the trial jilliansdrawers.com trial. You pay for the diapers upfront, use them for 3 weeks, send them back and you get all of your money minus $10 back. If you like the diapers, you can keep them and you just won't be refunded the cost of that diaper. (we ended up keeping 3 diapers that I wasn't researching from our trial!)
Also look into seeing if there are any local cloth diaper stores, we have a store that does a mini-class to show parents or parents-to-be all the different types/pros & cons of different styles and how to prep and clean them. My husband and I have never used cloth diapers before so we are looking forward to going to our class next week to see them in person and to practice the different folds for the prefold.
It is alot of information. Don't buy one type of diaper. I agree the trial is the best option.
You do change them more offten, yes.
If you are using a pocket diaper then you change the whole diaper. If you are using an all-in-one (AIO) then you change the whole diaper- these are the most like disposables (sposies). If you use covers (like thirstes) Then you only change the insert, unless it's a poop. Inserts are made of all different things. Pocket diapers- you stuff the insert into a pocket as name implies. When using covers you just lay the insert in the adorable cover. Covers/ prefolds tend to be the cheapest option & are best for babies who aren't moving alot.
See the FAQ at the top of the board as well. It may help.