I'm thinking about starting cloth diapering and just have a few questions. My son is 2 months old and at least 10 lbs.
I'm looking at the one size, all-in-one diapers. I think it will be easier to get my husband to agree to them due to the ease of use and that we don't have to be buying different sizes. I'm looking at the BumGenius and Greener Baby ones. Any difference between the two?
Which is better snaps or velcro?
I'm confused about the wet bag. I know its where you put the diapers after they are used. Do you wash the diapers in the bag?
That's all I can think of now. Thanks in advance.
Re: a few questions
I use BG, Rumparooz and Grobaby for the most part in one size diapers. I don't have any experience with Greener Baby.
I also have a mix of velcro and snaps.
Velcro are certainly easier but I like my snaps too and they hold up better according to everyone.
BG are great for overnights for us. i just put in a hemp doubler and they last for 12 hours.
I really like RaR because they have inner gussets and really contain poops well. I also really like the colors and designs.
Grobaby are an AI2, so i am not sure if those are what you want, but I love them as well.
At this point we use OS pockets almost exclusively, and a good chunk of our stash is BGs. I've never heard of Greener Baby. I like the BGs fine. I'm a snaps fan. The diapers don't get torn up as much in the wash and snaps are harder for a baby to remove (my DD just realized she could remove her velcro diapers).
I put my diapers in a pail lined with a PUL pail liner. On wash day, I carry the whole liner to the washer, dump the diapers into the washer, and the liner on top of it. Then wash.
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