I have a lot of people say that they dont stick with prefolds once the baby gets past the newborn stage is there a reason for that? I will be starting with prefold and ive only just started buying a couple of stuff in the newborn size. After reading a lot of the post im thinking maybe i should hold out on anything bigger than a small. Any personal experience stories about switching from prefold to the current method and why would really be great.
thanks so much
Re: Prefolds longer than new born stage?
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We use mostly prefolds and covers and use our pockets when we're out or have a babysitter watch DD. We used prefolds exclusively from early on then bought some pockets to try out when DD was about 4 months. Although pockets are great for on the go and ease of use, even with a squirmy baby who eats solids, I still prefer my prefolds over pockets.
Reasons I like prefolds: Don't have to stuff them like pockets, I just dump the wet bag full of dirty dipes in the washer without having to touch yucky stinky diapers and pull out the inserts, they're easy to sun and get stains out, I'll never have to worry about elastic/snaps/velcro wearing out with them, I like that they're cotton so no synthetic materials touch my baby's skin, they don't hold in smell like synthetics do, I never have to strip them, they are super versatile, they fit every baby, and I could probably go on...
Everyone is different though, so I would wait to buy prefolds in the next size up until you know for sure that they are what you like best.