I am looking at all the different types of blocks and building sets out there for the age like legos, lincoln logs, trio, etc....what does you 4yo like?
N really likes the Trio blocks...he plays with those more than the lincoln logs. We don't have legos-but I'm sure some will find their way into our house for Christmas.
Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
Ethan and Bella really like trio blocks. They also like Lego's (the small ones), but we keep those at my mom's house because M still puts them in her mouth.
Trios here as well....Ben is getting some of the sets (farm, fire station) for Christmas. He also likes the small Legos, but he only plays with them at the table while the babies are sleeping or locked up in another room. He has a couple of the little Lego City sets - the tractor and the firetruck, both were like $15. Santa is getting him a Lego table and a couple Toy Story sets for Christmas.
We have lots of Lincoln Logs, but they probably haven't been played with in 6 mos. Natalie is into the character block sets - like Dora/Elmo/Kai Lan...I think they are all by Mega Bloks, but they are th Mini Bloks or something (Duplo Lego size).
I will have to check out the Trio. I am leary about the smaller legos b/c I don't think J is quite ready for them-I figure once he is we can keep them in their room and far away from the baby.
We LOVE Trio blocks. We use them with his Geo Trax set and build lots of towers that the track can run through, etc. He also loves to play with them as the set (Firehouse set, Construction, animals, cars, etc.).
Re: Rec block/building sets your 4yo likes
Trios here as well....Ben is getting some of the sets (farm, fire station) for Christmas. He also likes the small Legos, but he only plays with them at the table while the babies are sleeping or locked up in another room. He has a couple of the little Lego City sets - the tractor and the firetruck, both were like $15. Santa is getting him a Lego table and a couple Toy Story sets for Christmas.
We have lots of Lincoln Logs, but they probably haven't been played with in 6 mos. Natalie is into the character block sets - like Dora/Elmo/Kai Lan...I think they are all by Mega Bloks, but they are th Mini Bloks or something (Duplo Lego size).
We LOVE Trio blocks. We use them with his Geo Trax set and build lots of towers that the track can run through, etc. He also loves to play with them as the set (Firehouse set, Construction, animals, cars, etc.).