Okay, I'm looking for a good, large wetbag that ZIPS for my diaper bag. I will soon have 3 in CDs so I'm thinking I'll need a rather large one???
I'm also looking for a wetbag with an elastic around the top so I can use it in a TALL kitchen trash can. I ordered a planet wise one like this, Size L or XL and it was by no means LARGE!
Anyone have any suggestions for me? I'm not concerned about hanging one, nor do I need fancy pretty prints. I just need something funcitonal and it will be hidden by a trash can anyway. brand/size reccomendations apprecaited!! If you can post a link even better!!! TIA!
Re: Wetbags???
I have one of these in L for travel because it zips and has a pocket for dirty and another zippered pocket for dry. It holds about two and a half days of diapers for me:
I have one of these for my diaper pail:
and one of these:
They are both plain.
ETA: Just noticed you were asking about your diaper bag. I have one medium wetbag from this seller (holds about three red-edge pfs from GMD) and one large (not sure how many it holds because I've never filled it, but at least six):
I really love those.
I bought the PlanetWise wet bag and it does have zippers to close each section (there's a wet and a dry section). I haven't officially used it yet since LO isn't here yet but so far so good. They have different sizes for these - you could check and see what works best for you. I got mine from Nikkisdiapers (?) I think that was the name of the site.
I have a Planet Wise & a Wahmies pail liner. Both are just plain and simple w/ elastic like you said, and they both fit my kitchen trashcan/diaper pail.
My wetbag is zippered from Leslie's Boutique.
We use wammis pail liners. They are more than big enough to fit in our trash can.
Thank you laides! The links were super helpful!
There are SO MANY to choose from, and sometimes people talk about something and then I go to find it and there are WAY too many options.
The wammis pail liners look PERFECT and the zipper one on Leslie's looks perfect too! Thanks again!