Here's mine. I watch 2 kids part time. One is 4 and the other is 18 months. The parents bring me the diaper bag and it is ALWAYS a mess, I'm lucky if I can find a diaper in there. They had left a milk sippy in there for the entire was disgusting! And the youngest walks around all the time with his paci in his mouth. I don't know why but this just irks me!!
And another: DH is making me go back to work next school year. On one hand I don't mind because I can get out of the house and interact with adults, but I'm a teacher so I still have to deal with the whining and the complaining and the defiance. Only problem is, it won't be from my kids. I am going to miss seeing what they are doing all day.
Re: FFFC anyone??
I lied to my husband. He was out of town - just one night - so after I put the boys to bed I surfed the net and watched Up in the Air with George Clooney until midnight or so. I had a nice "Big Girl Say Up Late Night."
When DH got home he said how happy he was to be home and asked if I missed him. Of course I said yes but the truth was - no, no I didn't!
My twins are 5! My baby is 3!
DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi
DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame
I soooo know what you mean here. My H goes away for a "guys" weekend every summer. Of course I'm glad when he comes back, and all that. But... I usually treat myself to a night of staying up, watching movies, chattering with a friend on the phone for an indecently long time, or playing whatever video game I want to play (maybe with the kids, maybe solo) for as long as I want.
Quite honestly, between work, husband, and kids, I'm hardly ever alone. When I get a chance to be alone and do whatever the heck I want to for a few hours, I really relish it!!