I got the actual stroller from pishposhbaby.com - they were having an open box sale, and it was 10% off. I got the second seat from strollers.com; I think I found a coupon code for a percentage off that one too. I've since ordered accessories from pishposhbaby.com but I really don't recommend shopping with them. They didn't bother to tell me my items had been backordered until I emailed them asking where they were. Then to appease me, they offered to send a more expensive version of the parent console, but it's been nearly two weeks and I still haven't received it
I got it from diapers.com with 15% with using a referral code. I had to use my mom's name, address and credit card through since I have ordered from them. It was the best deal I could find.
Re: City Select owners
I bought my stroller, extra seat, and carseat adapter from https://www.treasurerooms.com/
I got 10% off with the code "baby10" and it was free shipping and tax-free. I thought it was a pretty good deal!
<a href="http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y161/putalittlepolkainyourdot/?action=view
I found someone selling their brand new one on Craigslist, just check often and you may get lucky.
Also I ordered the accessories off Amazon.