This is a repost from the other day, I did not get a lot of answers.
I posted last week that we had family pictures taken on August 7th. I have seen a sneak peak on her website, but no disk, or even online proofs. I e-mailed her and she said she was so sorry, but really busy and would e-mail me when the disk was in the mail and the proofs were up. I am irritated beyond belief.
First of all she did not give me a date. I know it is my fault that I did not sigh a contract, and I also know she is super busy with a waiting list, but i want my freaking pictures.
WWYD now? Should I e-mail and ask for a specific date? Wait a couple weeks then e-mail?
Re: Photographers
I would be very upset if it took 2months to get my pictures, not even pictures but the proofs.
I would call her and tell her you NEED them for your mom's bday or something like that.
Have you paid her? If so, ask her for some or all of the money back since she hasn't given you any pictures. If you still owe her money, tell her you are cancelling your order and won't be paying her.
Almost 2 months for proofs is ridiculous.
I had DD's taken Sept 9 when I was in Seattle & I just got them on Monday & I was e-mailing her asking where they were. She did tell me they would be at my house before I got home so I emailed her 3 times to find out where they were. LOL
So to answer your question I would call her not e-mail & find out what is happening that is not acceptable.
Well, I've already given you my opinion, but I will add not even see the proofs is unacceptable to me. Didn't you say last time that you have already paid for the session as well as the disk? I would get on the phone with her and let her know that you are really disappointed that you have seen nothing but a a couple sneak peeks to even prove that she is working on the images that you paid for. And I would definitely ask her to commit to a specific date that you can expect to have the finished product in your hand.
I can't believe you are asking about this again. Not against you, but against her. That is awful.
She really does not sound very professional. Is she just starting out? Did she possibly give you some type of deal to where she thinks she does not need to move so quickly with you?
I would call, not email.
Thanks Joseys sorry I am asking this again too.
There is nothing on her site, and yes I have already paid for both the sesion fee and CD ($400), I am beginning to think that the sneak peak might be the only good shots she got (4 good ones), and that is why it is taking so long. I tried calling her a couple of day ago, but she did not return my calls. I will e-mail her and ask for a specific date. Thanks ladies hopefully this is my last post about this.
I'm sorry she is such a pain, and if I were you, I would totally worry, too. Her not having a contract is a red flag to me, plus the $400 for a session and cd is fairly inexpensive. Is her business fairly new? I just wonder what is going on here.
I vaguely remember you posting the sneak peek here.
PMd you!
pm back!
Is it reasonable to contact Better Business Bureau?
ETA: Probably not since you didn't sign a contract, huh?