Minnesota Babies

Time change for Sunday GTG

In the responses below it looks like 2pm is in the middle of nap time so let's move it one hour later to 3pm.  That way hopefully more people will be able to attend.  We will probably be there for a while, as we have some place to be at 5:30 so we will probably just hang out at Eagles Nest until about 5pm.  So if naptime goes long for some kids, know that we will still be there.  It looks like most of us have little ones so lets plan on meeting in the toddler area.  Can't wait to see you all on Sunday!

 Date:  Sunday October 3rd

Place: Eagles Nest indoor playground - https://www.ci.new-brighton.mn.us/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC=%7B12AE7B32-840E-4AD2-A9AA-F1285B4B6A01%7D

Time:  3pm

Respond and let us know if you will be there!!




Re: Time change for Sunday GTG

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