I've been working out again for only 3 weeks (running every morning) & I've gotten into a slump. I'm not bored with what I'm doing... I just don't feel like doing it. I need ways and reasons to stay motivated so I don't quit.
What keeps you motivated?
Re: What motivates you?
Have you thought about entering in a race? I don't know how "serious" you are with your running but a 5k doesn't have to be tough, you can run it for fun, and it's a-mazing to feel the hype of the other runners and to have a supportive crowd watching! Sometimes you get some great swag for your efforts, too!
I always push myself harder and feel more gratified after working out when I have a race scheduled for sometime in the future. Working toward a goal feels good.
I agree with the pp about entering a race. It keeps you motivated when there's a goal in mind and the energy at a race is a great reward. Even if you're not fast, there are all kinds of people that enter races. That was the part that always intimidated me until I got into it.
I have 2 races that I have coming up in the next couple weeks. That is what is lighting a fire under my ass to make me train harder. If I didn't have those, I think I would rather be slacking inside.
As far as motivation after these races are done, I focus on my racing for next year. I tend to be somewhat competitve though, and this is what helps me.
Races are a good option. It gives you something to push for BUT some people aren't into races.
For me the motivation is that I know that I always feel amazing after my work out and if I don't work out I feel bummed and I always regret it.
I never regret working out! It's always worth it!