I understand where you ladies are coming from. I'm familiar with the way these types of boards work. I'm aware of how catty and immature a legitimate member can be. Much more so a troll.
What I don't understand is why I was berated from the moment I made my first post.
I'm just asking all of you to give me a chance. I really want to be able to use this site for its resources. I can browse one hundred sites and find all sorts of answers, but none will be as valuable as advice given from a mother experiencing the same issue at the same time.
Re: becoming slightly perturbed...
let it go. the more you ask "why? why me?", the more sketchy you look.
and this point has been made to you more than a few times. drop it and you'll be fine.
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website
Did you read the sticky note in my signature? If you did, you would see my personal favorite line (It's no coincedence that I was the one that wrote it) "Lurk before posting". It's okay to make one post asking about all of your names, but posting multiple threads (especially ones like this) will get you no where. I'm glad you can appreciate brutal honesty, and I hope you were able to get my genuine opinions of your name options in your "First post on this board" post.
Thanks for the link EF! Your response was well-written and a great read. I have to say the snarkiest thing in that post was the Rotten Tooth comment from yours truly, but I list all the associations I have with names...good and bad.
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website
I don't think you were berated or incriminated. I think everyone was pretty nice to you when you asked the first time. They all explained why there were suspicions and told you that in due time, if you were not actually Hanna/Sasha, that it would be evident.
By posting this your just drawing more attention to yourself and actually doing one of the things the other person used to do.
Sent you a private message.
For what it is worth, I will say publicly that I don't think this person is one in the same as Hanna. And I really hope I'm right, had enough of that saga already.
I assume you get the idea now. There was a really trolly troll on the board, and I think some of the ladies get really anxious when somebody does anything that reminds them, even a little, of her. She also would create new names, just to be even more difficult. That would create problems even for legit newbies, because they can't be 100% sure it isn't her. This is especially true if there is any tension created by a newbie's post. So that's kind of the dynamics, as I understand it.
The troll was a real loser, but for what it's worth, I thought some of the bumpies that got involved were pretty out of line, too. I totally get why people would get PO'd by her antics. People were essentially wasting their own time by getting so involved, and going on a witch hunt with every member they thought might possibly maybe be her. (Ooooh! That member misspelled a word--that's something Hanna would do!)
I'd be a bit frustrated if I were you, as well. I really don't think that you are Hanna/Sasha.