I read a few recommendations for this site so I signed up. I like that they take a few months of AF in consideration when calculating O day. They have alot more tools that I haven't researched yet (not really something I can browse during the lunch hour at my desk!) but the O calendar tool is helpful.
Just wondering if others have used this site? Like it/hate it? Helpful? Today is O day per the calendar and I think I have butterflies about it! Oh the pressure!
Re: relying on fertility friend?
I've used it but I've gotten lazy with temping. It was kind of fun at first just to get awareness to my own cycles. It is a tool along with OPKs and monitoring CF... (Ihate the m word in EWCM) I'll go with fluid...anyway don't let it become an obsession if you can help it!
I do look at the calendar as sort of a guage as to when things will fall my next cycle but I don't rely on the calendar to be accurate. The calendar is really just guessing based on past cycles so it's great if your cycles are super regular, but not so great if they aren't. For example, my luteal phase runs from 9 days all the way up to 16 days so the calendar uses the average. Same with my ovulation, it has been as early as day 13 and as late as day 16 so the calendar uses the average which may not be correct.
For when I will or have ovulated I rely on my chart. Once you've charted a few cycles you will probably be able to predict when you're going to ovulate even though you won't have confirmation until your temp remains elevated.
I really like charting and Fertility Friend.
Kelly, Mom to Christopher Shannon 9.27.06, Catherine Quinn 2.24.09, Trey Barton lost on 12.28.09, Therese Barton lost on 6.10.10, Joseph Sullivan 7.23.11, and our latest, Victoria Maren 11.15.12
Secondary infertility success with IVF, then two losses, one at 14 weeks and one at 10 weeks, then success with IUI and then just pure, crazy luck. Expecting our fifth in May as the result of a FET.
This Cluttered Life
Hi - I think FF is really good at helping work out what's going on. For me, I hope it will just be something to do whilst I have fun getting pregnant, but also I think that it might turn out to be useful in the future if we don't manage to - as in pinpointing any issues. I don't temp properly (girls don't shout at me!!!) as I go to the bathroom to take it and you are supposed to take it before doing anything else. But it doesn't seem to make much difference in temp changes and I can still see when I have O'ved which is good fun. Good luck!