
PPROM at 23 weeks

I've been in the hospital since Friday, I was 23w1d then and now I'm 23w5d. So far it's been looking up but I'm so scared of something bad happening. They say his heartrate looks good, my vitals look good and now they just have to watch out for infection. How can I keep my chances of infection at a minimum? I'm also a Type 1 diabetic so I have a higher risk of infection.

I'm just looking for some hope and stories, even if they're not happy. I'm so thankful that I've made it 5 days in the hospital and Jackson's taught me that each day is a blessing

Jackson W. Holler born 12/9/10 at 7:52 a.m. He is my little miracle baby!! pPROM'ed at 23w1d and delivered at 34w Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Re: PPROM at 23 weeks

  • Hang in there!!!

    I went into the hospital at 24w2d.  My water didn't break, but was bulging out and I was somewhat dilated (incompetent cervix). Anyhow, they said I would deliver right away, but I didn't deliver until 26w2d. 

    Andrew was in the NICU for a while, 17 weeks, but he's 20 months old now and doing really very very well. 

    Many prayers to you and your LO.  Keep that baby cooking for several more weeks!!  Keep us updated!


  • I was on bedrest at 24 weeks, 3cm dilated and bulging water.  I was able to make it to 26 weeks.  DS was in the hospital for 11 weeks.  He is 5 now and doesn't have any problems from being early.

    Good luck!  Every day makes a huge difference.

    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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  • imageKellyMichelle:

    I was on bedrest at 24 weeks, 3cm dilated and bulging water.  I was able to make it to 26 weeks.  DS was in the hospital for 11 weeks.  He is 5 now and doesn't have any problems from being early.

    Good luck!  Every day makes a huge difference.

    Wow that is so similar to my story!

    He is 5?! Awesome.  So glad he is doing well :):) 

  • My water also broke at 23w1d and I was hospitalized until DD was born at 27w3d.  We had a long road in the NICU (109 days) but so far we don't know of any long term issues.

    I'm only here occassionally these days, but I'm off and on my email most of the day if you have any questions or just want to chat:

    kristiherring at

    Best of luck - you're in our prayers!


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  • imagelemen99:

    I was on bedrest at 24 weeks, 3cm dilated and bulging water.  I was able to make it to 26 weeks.  DS was in the hospital for 11 weeks.  He is 5 now and doesn't have any problems from being early.

    Good luck!  Every day makes a huge difference.

    Wow that is so similar to my story!

    He is 5?! Awesome.  So glad he is doing well :):) 

    I thought the same thing when I read your post.  It's weird how similar they are.  

    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
  • I have twins. Ppromed on Baby A at 18w5d. Made it to 29 weeks exactly. You're doing a great job of keeping baby in. Every day is so crucial at this point and your baby is getting so much stronger and healthier with every day that he remains in your womb. Pat yourself on the back every night :) Another great plus is that ppromming at 23 weeks means that your baby will likely have a "normal" stay in the NICU (until his due date usually). My Pprom baby has very immature lungs and his NICU stay is 6 months and counting. My other baby came home before her due date. Avoiding infection: There are some good websites and blogs out there on PPROM that talk about avoiding infection. What I did was take a slight overdose of Vit C and E (double the daily rec) and also take Acidophilus tablets. Take your usual prenatals. Drink lots and lots of water and eat well. Use lots of hand sanitizer. I used a bedpan so that less fluid would leak out (changing positions made me leak more). Change your pad often. Sometimes when I leaked less I would change a pantyliner everytime I peed. Bedrest is very helpful.. I strongly encourage you to stay on complete bedrest until maybe 26 or 27 weeks. Things to watch out for: Don't want to scare you, but cord prolapse is a possibility. If you feel anything in your vagina at all or if you lose a LOT of fluid at once, call the nurse asap. Also tell the nurse if you feel at all ill or out of sorts. I contracted an infection at 29 weeks.. had contractions which felt like constipation. Everyone blew me off, but I knew something was happening. Preventing infection is important, dealing with an emergent infection is even more pressing and has ramifications for the baby and you. Good luck to you and your little one! has lots of encouraging stories if you wish to read them. Edited to add: Don't know why it's a wall of text. Sorry!
  • Sending prayers and good thoughts your way. Hang in there!



  • I was put on hospital bedrest at 24 weeks 5days. I was 2cm dialated 50% effaced with a bulging bag of waters. My water never broke but I was able to make it until 25 weeks 6days when Jack was born. Hang in there and do exactly what the doctors tell you! Sending lot of t&ps.
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  • imagewishesforfish:
    I have twins. Ppromed on Baby A at 18w5d. Made it to 29 weeks exactly. You're doing a great job of keeping baby in. Every day is so crucial at this point and your baby is getting so much stronger and healthier with every day that he remains in your womb. Pat yourself on the back every night :) Another great plus is that ppromming at 23 weeks means that your baby will likely have a "normal" stay in the NICU (until his due date usually). My Pprom baby has very immature lungs and his NICU stay is 6 months and counting. My other baby came home before her due date. Avoiding infection: There are some good websites and blogs out there on PPROM that talk about avoiding infection. What I did was take a slight overdose of Vit C and E (double the daily rec) and also take Acidophilus tablets. Take your usual prenatals. Drink lots and lots of water and eat well. Use lots of hand sanitizer. I used a bedpan so that less fluid would leak out (changing positions made me leak more). Change your pad often. Sometimes when I leaked less I would change a pantyliner everytime I peed. Bedrest is very helpful.. I strongly encourage you to stay on complete bedrest until maybe 26 or 27 weeks. Things to watch out for: Don't want to scare you, but cord prolapse is a possibility. If you feel anything in your vagina at all or if you lose a LOT of fluid at once, call the nurse asap. Also tell the nurse if you feel at all ill or out of sorts. I contracted an infection at 29 weeks.. had contractions which felt like constipation. Everyone blew me off, but I knew something was happening. Preventing infection is important, dealing with an emergent infection is even more pressing and has ramifications for the baby and you. Good luck to you and your little one! has lots of encouraging stories if you wish to read them. Edited to add: Don't know why it's a wall of text. Sorry!
    Thank you! Your post made me tear up a little. But! in a good way. They moved me from L&D to a pre-birth room because they said they were more comfortable that I was in a safer place. I'm not allowed to sit up for very long which gets tough but it's keeping the fluid in. I finally got to shower after 3 days which makes me feel great. I live 30 miles from the hospital I'm at and 5 minutes from the one in the city we live in. I chose this one for a reason and I am so glad I did, they have a really good NICU unit. I had a cathater but they took it off me the 2nd day and I do have bathroom privileges and pee every 2 hours. I'm so glad that your LO's are doing great too and prayers to you as well. I really appreciate it and I'll be sure to pay myself on the back tonight. DH said that for every week I'm in here he'll bring me a small gift so I'm lucky he's here to support me. My mom (who's a doctor) asked if they could give me cranberry supplements along with a supplement that has the same live cultures as yogurt but I haven't been taking them b/c the first night I did Jackson had a drop in his heartrate and I freaked. Otherwise I'm still taking my prenatals, calcium supplements and drinking tons of water
    Jackson W. Holler born 12/9/10 at 7:52 a.m. He is my little miracle baby!! pPROM'ed at 23w1d and delivered at 34w Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I landed in the hospital at 23 weeks, 2 days after mild bleeding and found out I was 2-3 centimeters dilated and had a bulging sac. I had to lay in trendelenberg (with my head lower than my feet), no bathroom privelages, never out of bed, and made it for 11 days. I was determined to lay there in that bed through Christmas, and hopefully far beyond but on Dec. 13th, at 24 weeks, 5 days, my water broke and my LO's feet were sticking into the vaginal canal. They said a vaginal birth was too risky and since he was headed for such, I was rushed into an emergency c-section with a nurse holding my LO's feet in so he couldn't come out "naturally".

    I just realized how long-winded I was getting...sorry! I guess starting to think through it all again brings back all the details. I'll finish in shorter fashion :)

    LO was in the NICU for 98 days with lots of ups and downs, but he's home now, is 9 months old, and doing really well! He is behind in gross motor development and his lungs are still compromised but in most aspects he is a happy, funny, joyful little boy and we are so thankful!

    You are doing a fabulous job on bedrest in the hospital. It is hard, but every day, every hour, every minute you stay pregnant is so good for your LO! Keep up the good work. Thinking of you and sending lots of good wishes!

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  • imageCara03:

    I landed in the hospital at 23 weeks, 2 days after mild bleeding and found out I was 2-3 centimeters dilated and had a bulging sac. I had to lay in trendelenberg (with my head lower than my feet), no bathroom privelages, never out of bed, and made it for 11 days. I was determined to lay there in that bed through Christmas, and hopefully far beyond but on Dec. 13th, at 24 weeks, 5 days, my water broke and my LO's feet were sticking into the vaginal canal. They said a vaginal birth was too risky and since he was headed for such, I was rushed into an emergency c-section with a nurse holding my LO's feet in so he couldn't come out "naturally".

    I just realized how long-winded I was getting...sorry! I guess starting to think through it all again brings back all the details. I'll finish in shorter fashion :)

    LO was in the NICU for 98 days with lots of ups and downs, but he's home now, is 9 months old, and doing really well! He is behind in gross motor development and his lungs are still compromised but in most aspects he is a happy, funny, joyful little boy and we are so thankful!

    You are doing a fabulous job on bedrest in the hospital. It is hard, but every day, every hour, every minute you stay pregnant is so good for your LO! Keep up the good work. Thinking of you and sending lots of good wishes!

    That's great that your LO is doing so well. I made it to 24 weeks but I have no amniotic fluid so there's a leak but I'm not noticing it. They said it was a great milestone for me to make it this far but it really disheartened me when they said he only had 1 cm between him and the walls. I'm so scared he'll get an infection before 25 weeks. They said before they did the sono that everything looks great and that he has to be delivered by 34 weeks so we started planning on him being here in December. The ultrasonographer said he expected that it would be low but didn't seem alarmed by it, but it still sucks. I don't want my body's flaw to hurt my son, that's what I'm having a hard time dealing with

    Jackson W. Holler born 12/9/10 at 7:52 a.m. He is my little miracle baby!! pPROM'ed at 23w1d and delivered at 34w Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • imagehollerjeepgirl:

     I don't want my body's flaw to hurt my son, that's what I'm having a hard time dealing with

     I felt this exact same way. The guilt was horrible in the beginning, that I caused LO to be born so early just because my stupid girl parts couldn't work right. I'm sure you've heard this already, but there is absolutely NOTHING you/we could have done differently, and the guilt did lessen for me. Just know that it's normal to feel all of those things now, but it is not your fault!

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