I have chosen a boy name for my son. His name is going to be Jensen Michael. Do you think it's a good name or bad name for a boy? be honest please. THANK YOU!
I didn't answer your poll because I don't love it, hate it, or think you should pick a different name.
Honestly, I am luke warm about it. I have thought about the name Jensen a lot because it is my maiden name. But even with the close family connection, I don't like the name enough to use it for my son. I don't hate it... I have known one other Jensen IRL and it was a fine name. Michael is a nice name too.
Hi, I'm a little late here, but we are also seriously considering the name Jensen for our future little boy. It's my maiden name, and my husband really likes it. I keep going back and forth (I know some people are naming their girls Jensen, but that doesn't really worry me. You can't seem to pick a "safe" boy name nowadays.)
I love Jensen Michael (my older brother's name is Michael Jensen!)
Re: Jensen Michael
I didn't answer your poll because I don't love it, hate it, or think you should pick a different name.
Honestly, I am luke warm about it. I have thought about the name Jensen a lot because it is my maiden name. But even with the close family connection, I don't like the name enough to use it for my son. I don't hate it... I have known one other Jensen IRL and it was a fine name. Michael is a nice name too.
I say go for it!
Hi, I'm a little late here, but we are also seriously considering the name Jensen for our future little boy. It's my maiden name, and my husband really likes it. I keep going back and forth (I know some people are naming their girls Jensen, but that doesn't really worry me. You can't seem to pick a "safe" boy name nowadays.)
I love Jensen Michael (my older brother's name is Michael Jensen!)