mine never did - made it to 38w with zero signs of labor...
but OMG - I remember being around the time you are and OBSESSING about my water breaking. it's all i thought of every time i stood up, got out of bed, etc.... i was so worried it would just trickle out and i wouldn't notice it.
36 weeks exactly. It happened out of the blue, I was standing up and had been standing up for a little while. All of a sudden it was just like a small gush - then lots lots more gushing!!
Mine broke on it's own at 36 weeks 2 days - at my previous appointment, my doctor predicted it would probably happen within a week. Not sure why but she was right!
I spent all day on the balance ball bc my hips were killing me. finally at midnight i went to bed and was laying there talking to Dh (he literally just walked in the door from work) and i had 1 contraction i thought was just BH but then it felt like something was about to come out of my vagina so i ran to the bathroom where thank GOD it broke in the tub. The whole time yelling "i thiiiinnnkk my water just bbbrrroookkkeee" and Dh and the 2 dogs following close behind. Thank God i made it to the bathroom b/c i was one of the few that had a GIANT gush of water. I also noticed my mucus plug on the shower floor. So in my case it was very noticable.
HAHAHA i swore after about 32/43 weeks everytime i had some type of mucus or something small that my water had broken hahaha.
Re: Water breaking on it's own...
mine never did - made it to 38w with zero signs of labor...
but OMG - I remember being around the time you are and OBSESSING about my water breaking. it's all i thought of every time i stood up, got out of bed, etc.... i was so worried it would just trickle out and i wouldn't notice it.
you are almost there!
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
36 w 6days
I spent all day on the balance ball bc my hips were killing me. finally at midnight i went to bed and was laying there talking to Dh (he literally just walked in the door from work) and i had 1 contraction i thought was just BH but then it felt like something was about to come out of my vagina so i ran to the bathroom where thank GOD it broke in the tub. The whole time yelling "i thiiiinnnkk my water just bbbrrroookkkeee" and Dh and the 2 dogs following close behind. Thank God i made it to the bathroom b/c i was one of the few that had a GIANT gush of water. I also noticed my mucus plug on the shower floor. So in my case it was very noticable.
HAHAHA i swore after about 32/43 weeks everytime i had some type of mucus or something small that my water had broken hahaha.