Cloth Diapering

New to cloth diapering!


I was just curious if anyone has made there own cloth diapers rather than purchasing them?  If so I would love any advice on them.  I just ordered some patterns to try out but I have no clue what else I should use with them (i.e. extra inserts, what to clean them with, etc.)  Any help would be much appreciated :)

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Re: New to cloth diapering!

  • Hi!

    Sadly I can't sew, but there's a pattern from VeryBaby for nb fitteds that I really liked. I ended up buying finished product from some authorized sellers. Maybe you can start there.

    What kinds of patterns did you get? For fitteds, you can either sew in snaps to snap in inserts, or just lay an insert into the fitted. For pocket diapers, you can make inserts from a variety of materials, including hemp, cotton, bamboo, and microfiber.

    I would look at similar premade diapers for care instructions. It's pretty straightforward.


  • I have a friend who makes pockets/AI2's and fitteds with the la-di-da and fattycakes patterns.  I am new to CD'ing, and she made my whole stash.  I just love the trimness of the la-di-das.  I know she doesn't like working with microfiber and stuffs with a prefold, bamboo, or hemp.
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