So DD and DS have rooms next to eachother that are on the opposite side of the house from DH and I.
DD sleeps well and stays in her room from bedtime (around 8 pm) until 7 am. DS sleeps well, too. Generally one wake-up to eat around 4 am and then back to bed until 7 or 8. I have no issue with this.
However, he's still being swaddled for bedtime and has gotten very good at breaking free. He's just too big for that teensy Miracle Blanket that was the only thing that would contain him as a newborn. Reswaddling him amounts to 1-2 extra wake ups per night. He's in a sleepsack for naptimes with no problem, so I think it's just time to use it for bedtime as well.
So here's the real question. He is LOUD when he breaks free/wakes up, but not unhappy. He's just awake and squealing and talking. He's capable of putting his own pacifier back in (we usually find him with paci in hand talking to it). If he were an only child, I would totally be leaving him alone to go back to sleep, but for the sake of DD's sleep, we've been going in to intervene.
If you have kids who sleep in the same room or close to eachother, did the little one's middle of the night "talking" sessions really bug the older one? What did you do to help through the transition?
Re: Those who have kids who share a room or have rooms close together
My kids both sleep with a fan on low in their rooms for white noise. Unless DD2 is really loud and DD1 is only half asleep, DD1 rarely notices anything. We did let DD2 CIO a couple times and DD1 said "I heard NOrah last night but I went right back to sleep". She's just gotten used to it, which I think is good.
Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
Liam is 5!
Thank you thank you. Both kids have fans on in their rooms most of the time and/or humidifiers so there is always some level of white noise.
Once we all get over the jet-lag/wonky sleep from our recent trip, I'll just go for it.