Here are some of the names DH and I have been tossing around... Help
us decide! Our last name is Peterson if that helps. Scott is a family
name on both sides so we would like to use it if it works with the first
name. If you think of something else that sounds better please post!
Re: Baby boy names poll...
I didn't even notice that, but now that you pointed it out I'm not a fan. Weren't there 2? The Lacey Peterson case and then also that police officer who's 3rd wife was missing (and they exumed the body of his 2nd because they think he killed her) was Scott Peterson too I think.
11.10.10 from my belly to my heart at 11wks 5days
I knew the Scott Peterson case might come up... ugh.
Its my FIL first name so he got some weird looks back when the case was in the news. If you have any suggestions for alternate middle names that would be welcome. We aren't stuck on using Scott.
Ohhh yea...Stacey rhymes with Lacey. I must have lumped them together in my head because of it. Thanks!
11.10.10 from my belly to my heart at 11wks 5days
I like the name Scott, but honestly I don't think I would use it, even just as a mn, if my last name was Peterson. JMO.
Edited: I would look for another family name that you can use. I'm sure there are some other good ones.
Yeah... I wouldn't use my FIL middle name. It is his mother's maiden name and I just don't like the sound of it since it ends in "son" and so does our last name.
Seems like Maxwell is the most popular name so far on the poll. The husband is not too fond of Maxwell but likes Max. He thinks Maxwell sounds snooty and too formal. Since we would be calling him Max anyways he thinks that should be his given name. What do you think?