Hi Ladies,
It's been a long time since I've posted, but I thought I'd throw this question out there. How do you distract a one year old from getting into trouble? My 15 month old is very determined! You can try all the distraction tools in the book, but ultimately, he'll go right back to whatever he is fixated on and there is no stopping him.
Recently, he has tried opening the oven so he can crawl in, and he has figured out how to remove the protectors on the electrical sockets. Last night, he put his hands in the cat's water dish, and then immediately pulled out the electrical protector on the socket so he could try and stick his fingers in.
I've tried yelling, I've tried saying nothing and removing him from the situation, distracting, speaking in a stern voice, speaking in a soft voice. You name it, I've tried it. My recent thing is sternly saying No and then physically removing him from the room and taking him over to a toy to try to distract him. I'm trying to stay consistant so he doesn't get confused. My question I guess is: What has worked for you? When you can't explain that what they are doing is dangerous, how do you stop them from hurting themselves?