
sleeping at night...

How/when do preemies sleep longer at night?  Is it based on adjusted age?  By 7 weeks, my older son was going 6-7 hours at night, ate, and then went back to sleep for another 4-5 hours.  With the twins, I can't seem to get any long periods of sleep.  They came home from the NICU eating every 4 hours.  At night, I am lucky if they wake after 4 hours.  Sometimes, they are up after 2-3 hours.  They eat 120 ml/4 oz at every feed.  How do I get them to sleep a little longer at night?  I am starting to feel drained and need to know when I will be able to get a little more sleep.  I am not expecting them to sleep through the night, just a little longer stretch would be nice.


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Re: sleeping at night...

  • DS slept through the night (6 hours) at 4 months actual 6 weeks adjusted.
    A small start at 2lb 9oz, 60 day NICU stay, and 6 months of O2 My 30 weeker is growing up! <a href="
  • I think I would go by adjusted age.  Andrew came home waking up once at night (every 4) and by 6 weeks he was sleeping ~8 hours and by 2.5 months he was sleeping 12 hours. 

    My only advice would be to put them in their bed awake -they will get there!

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  • No advice as my DD still does not sleep through the night. Some nights she only wakes up once, but usually she's up twice.
  • LOL i have no expectations. DD#1 was a 41+ weeker and didn't STTN til 13 months!
    Mom to 2 beautiful girls, 3 yrs and 22 months old. My 2nd was born at 32 weeks due to Rhogam failure/severe complications from Rh disease and is our miracle. She has bilateral auditory neuropathy and a cochlear implant, activated 4/5/2012 at 19 months. Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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