Baby Names


Hi again! I posted recently about Nico Montgomery and really appreciate all the feedback. But DH is now talking about Colton Montgomery (nns Cole or Colt) b/c it fits better with mn and with DD's name (Sadie Belle). He won't consider just using Cole; he likes the longer name. I like the name too, but I'm worried about it being too trendy. I don't want a name that will be dated in a few years. What do you think? Is Colton too trendy? Thank you!

Re: Colton?

  • NMS. There are a few Colton's around here. I cringe when I hear the name.

    I do like Cole though.

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  • I have loved Cole/Colton for years and, although I don't personally know any,  I do know that it's very popular right now. I would still choose it over Nico, though.

    My objection to Nico Montgomery is just that those two names don't seem to go together at all. That might not bother you, though: ) Colton Montgomery, however, is a great pairing.

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  • Colton is my little brother's name and I love it... I haven't met anyone else with the name, so that gets it bonus points for me.

  • Nico is 10000xs better than Colton!
  • I really dislike Colton, but I love Niko!
  • Colton sounds very country to me.  I like Nico better.
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  • I associate Colton or Colt with rednecks.  I have family who still wave the confederate flag and are racists and live in the south who named their son Colt recently.  I hate it.
  • Colton is a cowboy name, in my opinion. May I ask in which state you live?

    I have a dear little cousin named Colton (15 years old), and the name fits him perfectly. And yes, he lives in a family of cowboys. And no, I don't just think it's a cowboy name because of this one association.

    Cole is one of my favorite boy names. It sounds a lot more... er... (for lack of a better word) sophisticated than Colton to me.

    Nico is too cutesy for me/doesn't age well in my opinion.

    What's wrong with Nicholas? You could call him Nico until he enters school, then he could have some good options to choose from later.

  • Sadie is my dd's name and I love Nico.  So those we have in common.  But I detest Colton.  I am mystified by it's appeal.

    Nico and Montgomery don't really "go together", but who cares?  MNs are not really a regular part of our everyday lives.  Stick with a great name like Nico rather than settle for Colton because you think it matches the MN better.

  • imagefitzpemberley:
    Colton sounds very country to me.  I like Nico better.

    This. I'm not a fan of Cole or Colton.

  • I really like that name, it's actually my top choice right now. I knew some people wouldn't like it but it means something to me so thats all that matters. :)
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