Cloth Diapering

Newbie Question

Last night we tried the Sugar Plum fitteds for nighttime along with a Thirsties cover. 

1. Talk about a HUGE diaper.  He looked like humpty dumpty.  In order to get nighttime coverage is it pretty much necessary to have a huge diaper like that?

2.  When I changed him the diaper was soaked.  Is it really OK for him to be in that all night?

Maybe I did it wrong?  I just didn't feel so great about it this morning.  He fussed a LOT last night and I'm paranoid it's because of the diaper.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  I'm thinking tonight I'll try just a BG 4.0.

Re: Newbie Question

  • fitteds dont keep them dry unless you lay a fleece liner btwn the diaper and the baby. I personally like pockets like BGs. I use a pocket diaper and stuff it with the insert it comes wth and then a hemp doubler. It works great for me. The hemp is the furthest away from the baby though as it absorbs slower compared to the microfiber. The wetness could've made him fuss a lot last night, I know it would make my kids not sleep well. 

    pockets are more trim as well---at least I feel that way. But you are going to get a bigger bottom when you double stuff.  

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  • I second BumGenius (BG) diapers.  They keep DS very dry.  We have the one size fits all....looking back though I wish I had bough the one size all in one organic though. 
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  • 1. DD's nighttime diaper is pretty darn fluffly. You can experiment with inserts and see what it takes.

    2. He's going to likely be in a soaked diaper in a disposable. DD's diaper is damp on the outside when she wakes up, and it has never been an issue.

    Try some other option and see what works for you.


  • imageCaitlinJ22:

    fitteds dont keep them dry unless you lay a fleece liner btwn the diaper and the baby. I personally like pockets like BGs. I use a pocket diaper and stuff it with the insert it comes wth and then a hemp doubler. It works great for me. The hemp is the furthest away from the baby though as it absorbs slower compared to the microfiber. The wetness could've made him fuss a lot last night, I know it would make my kids not sleep well. 

    pockets are more trim as well---at least I feel that way. But you are going to get a bigger bottom when you double stuff.  

    I do the same thing, using a BG 3.0.

    I like fitteds a lot but overnight they just hold too much moisture close to the skin and the fleece gets bunched up because my son moves a lot in his sleep.

  • For nighttime we use a BG pocket with 1 regular insert and 1 nb insert.  I don't think it is too fluffy, but I would rather her be over-fluffed than in a sposie.
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  • We use B4s overnight and they get wet, but DD doesn't seem to mind and neither does her butt. Wink

    We use a wool cover, though so there's no keeping the moisture in. If it wicks out far enough it can evaporate overnight, too.

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