Cloth Diapering

NBR: Baby with Raynaud's?

I've noticed the last couple of days that Tabbitha's fingertips turn very white, and cool to the touch.  I'm a little concerned it might be Raynaud's.  Anyone have any experience with this?

ETA:  :)  This was supposed to be posted somewhere else, but if anyone on here has any info, by all means!

Re: NBR: Baby with Raynaud's?

  • I certainly hope that it's not Raynaud's, but of course it's worth mentioning to your pedi.

     That being said - newborns' circulatory systems will always sacrifice the extremeties keep the core warm.  That's why when babies are born their hands and feet are the last to "pink up". 

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  • I have Reynaud's. I don't have any advice with dealing it with your little one, but I just wanted to say it never was a thing that interfered with my life growing up.
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