Kansas Babies

Nuchal Fold Translucency Test

I was wondering how many moms to be do this optional testing. I have read a little about it on the web - this is a sonogram plus blood work that runs about $400 at my OB/GYN. I curious on how important others feel this is....

Re: Nuchal Fold Translucency Test

  • My insurance covers it so it's not out of pocket, but I've chosen not to do the test. The incidence of false positives worries me and I'm a worrier by nature anyways. I will have the 20 week sanatomy scan, of course, and this scan should pick up any problems that the 12 weeks scan would also pick up.

    To have this test or not is a personal decision, many feel it's vital and others feel the same way I do. If your insurance doesn't cover it and the sticker price is too much, try not to worry too much. You may have to wait longer for the scan, but you will still have an opportunity in your pregnancy to check the baby for any problems (20 week anatomy).

  • I did it because I am over 30 and thought it would put my mind at ease. Don't know what I would have done if it was a positive, even if it was false.

    The test could end up causing you more worry, but for me it made me feel better when the results came back negative.

    PP is right, any abnormalities will be caught with the ultrasound and later testing, so no need to cause yourself any undue stress. 

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  • I did it too, I am over 35 and that is a must have. Still waiting on the blood work but already know that by the measurements the baby is clear from DS. Thank Goodness! Yes
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