So, I am fantasizing about next Saturday. The 2ww will be over. I have the POAS greenlight that day....yet--I don't even know if I want to do it.
RE tells me all this happy positive stuff---then I break down in tears in the lab last time. I felt like a dork.
I have not even felt one twinge this month, last time--I had every "symptom"-> fatigue, sore breasts, cramping, mood swings, nausea...this month-nothing. I feel nothing. No symptoms, except occasional rage...
So, no news is better than a BFN....YEAH---->>> I am saying that now, but come next Saturday morning....POAS..... "hormones make me nutty"
Re: I don't even want to know sometimes...
Hi Ladies,
I'm a newbie although I have posted an intro and a question here and there, I mostly lurk. Next Sat is "D" day for me as well. Good vibes going your way, baby dust to us all
I am a newbie as well, and my 2ww is next sat as well. The wait is getting to me as well, and this is my 1st round of Clomid. It gives me hope and comfort to read the messages you all write. I feel better I am not alone in all of this craziness. I am really not a believer in luck, so instead I prayed for you all.
TTC #1 since 4/10, Dx: MFI IVF planned for April/May