TTC After a Loss 6 Months+

Erm. We might have just had a TTA fail (CD12 wtf ment'd)

Yeah. So. TTA, right? We might have had sex yesterday morning, and 2 days before that, and, uh, well, look at my chart.

I know from my pre-charting days that every so often I have a random super short cycle, like 24-26 days instead of my usual 28-30. I had always assumed I probably was just having a short-bus LP those cycles (once I even knew that LPs and cycle lengths meant, of course). I always ovulate on day 16 or 17. Right. Or maybe not always. But enough to assume we were still in the clear for pre-O TTA unprotected sex.

Here I am, clinging to shreds of hope that the temp spike is somehow related to the entire three beers I had to drink last night. Even though the only drinking-related temp spike I've ever gotten was after getting hammered, and never from 3-4 beers.


ETA: I also understand that one temp spike does not a thermal shift make. But my charts are pretty durn clear, and usually my one and only temp spike is post-O. 

Re: Erm. We might have just had a TTA fail (CD12 wtf ment'd)

  • Don't panic yet. But yea looking at your charts they are pretty darn clear...


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • huh. interesting . . . .
    m/c#1 07/16/08 (11 weeks), m/c#2 10/10/08 (8 weeks). and then nothing since except every test possible (no answers). IUI#1 and #2: BFNs Super lucky to be buddies with Peetie. Our out of nowhere, surprise DD born 5/29/2011
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  • Well, here's the thing.  Let's say this is one of those freak short cycles (and it seems to be).  Maybe those freak short cycles are the ones that magically kindle up the primo eggs?  Live the dream...
    4 early losses 2009, 2010, 2015.  Baby #1 born 2/13/11.  
  • I would say... see what happens. Good luck!
  • imageBBHME:
    Well, here's the thing.  Let's say this is one of those freak short cycles (and it seems to be).  Maybe those freak short cycles are the ones that magically kindle up the primo eggs?  Live the dream...

    This.  Hopefully it turns out as nothing but great news for you! 

  • imageBBHME:
    Well, here's the thing.  Let's say this is one of those freak short cycles (and it seems to be).  Maybe those freak short cycles are the ones that magically kindle up the primo eggs?  Live the dream...

    Hopefully this.

    Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle!
    April 2011 CP @ 5 weeks
  • Well, I can't blame you on the humpy time slip-up. Sometimes you gotta go with it.

    I am crossing my fingers for awesome things for you, Colinda the Healthy.

  • imageBBHME:
    Well, here's the thing.  Let's say this is one of those freak short cycles (and it seems to be).  Maybe those freak short cycles are the ones that magically kindle up the primo eggs?  Live the dream...


    I sent the perfect egg fairy your way a few days ago.  Did I forget to tell you?  ;)


    Seriously, I know it's scary. I know you're supposed to be TTA.  But dude. You can't be perfect all the time and you can't can't can't beat yourself up over this, ok?  

  • imageBBHME:
    Well, here's the thing.  Let's say this is one of those freak short cycles (and it seems to be).  Maybe those freak short cycles are the ones that magically kindle up the primo eggs?  Live the dream...

    I love this idea!

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imagerjl07:

    Well, here's the thing.  Let's say this is one of those freak short cycles (and it seems to be).  Maybe those freak short cycles are the ones that magically kindle up the primo eggs?  Live the dream...

    I love this idea!


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagelindsay.lou:

    Well, here's the thing.  Let's say this is one of those freak short cycles (and it seems to be).  Maybe those freak short cycles are the ones that magically kindle up the primo eggs?  Live the dream...

    I love this idea!


    This, 100 times, yes! 

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I'm here for you whatever happens.
    BFP #1 10/17/09: missed m/c at 7 weeks; BFP #2 10/22/10: chemical pregnancy; BFP #3: 1/28/11

    Baby Boy Smudgie born 10/4/11

    <a href="

  • imageBBHME:
    Well, here's the thing.  Let's say this is one of those freak short cycles (and it seems to be).  Maybe those freak short cycles are the ones that magically kindle up the primo eggs?  Live the dream...

    Actually this is how DS was created!  we weren't TTC yet and i had an early O and low and behold we made DS!  and i'm so glad we did!!!  GL!!!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 8.15.07 NATHAN 6.13.09 - 6.14.09 WYATT born 32w3d Gone too soon, RIP. 4.21.10 BFP - missed m/c - D&C on 5.27.10. 1.31.11 BFP - 1st cycle IUI + Follistim + Trigger (2 mature follies)Beta 1 @ 13dpiui: 199 Beta 2 @ 15dpiui: 527 10.7.11 ELIANA(Ellie)ROSE (39w3d)Team Green turned Team Pink - VBAC & ALL NATURAL 6lbs 11oz 19 &1/2in
  • imageBBHME:
    Well, here's the thing.  Let's say this is one of those freak short cycles (and it seems to be).  Maybe those freak short cycles are the ones that magically kindle up the primo eggs?  Live the dream...

    this, this is clearly what it is. 

    DD(9)DD(5.5)DS(3)DS(born 2/1/11) July 2006, lost a baby at 8 weeks, natural miscarriage , May 2009 lost Zoe Eliana at 17 weeks no reason known, possible under developed organs. Lost two more babies in September 2009 at 7 wks 4 days. Had myomectomy surgery to remove a large fibroid in November 2009.
  • imageBBHME:
    Well, here's the thing.  Let's say this is one of those freak short cycles (and it seems to be).  Maybe those freak short cycles are the ones that magically kindle up the primo eggs?  Live the dream...


    Connor Thomas 6/6/08. Discovered missed miscarriage at 17 wks 3 days, D&C 11/25/09. Please, please, please - BFP 5/21/11, EDD 2/1/11. Beta@12DPO=52, Beta@14DPO=158. U/S 7/7/11 shows strong baby measuring a couple days ahead!!! Pregnancy Ticker
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