Yeah. So. TTA, right? We might have had sex yesterday morning, and 2 days before that, and, uh, well, look at my chart.
I know from my pre-charting days that every so often I have a random super short cycle, like 24-26 days instead of my usual 28-30. I had always assumed I probably was just having a short-bus LP those cycles (once I even knew that LPs and cycle lengths meant, of course). I always ovulate on day 16 or 17. Right. Or maybe not always. But enough to assume we were still in the clear for pre-O TTA unprotected sex.
Here I am, clinging to shreds of hope that the temp spike is somehow related to the entire three beers I had to drink last night. Even though the only drinking-related temp spike I've ever gotten was after getting hammered, and never from 3-4 beers.
ETA: I also understand that one temp spike does not a thermal shift make. But my charts are pretty durn clear, and usually my one and only temp spike is post-O.
Re: Erm. We might have just had a TTA fail (CD12 wtf ment'd)
Don't panic yet. But yea looking at your charts they are pretty darn clear...
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This. Hopefully it turns out as nothing but great news for you!
Hopefully this.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle!
April 2011 CP @ 5 weeks
Well, I can't blame you on the humpy time slip-up. Sometimes you gotta go with it.
I am crossing my fingers for awesome things for you, Colinda the Healthy.
I sent the perfect egg fairy your way a few days ago. Did I forget to tell you?
Seriously, I know it's scary. I know you're supposed to be TTA. But dude. You can't be perfect all the time and you can't can't can't beat yourself up over this, ok?
My Blog
I love this idea!
This, 100 times, yes!
Baby Boy Smudgie born 10/4/11
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Actually this is how DS was created! we weren't TTC yet and i had an early O and low and behold we made DS! and i'm so glad we did!!! GL!!!
this, this is clearly what it is.