Baby Names

Do these sound awkward?

Althea "TEEG" or the inevitable Thea "TEEG"?

Although Althea is also a Greek name, it was around 350 on the SSA list during the early 1920s, so kind of an "older" name like other names I like.

Would Penelope and Althea sound weird with names like Eleanor, Matilda, Cecilia etc.?

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Re: Do these sound awkward?

  • no, i think they sound fine. i do like thea better than althea, though.

    but now that you mention matilda, i like that one the best with penelope. :)

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  • I don't think it sounds weird, but I do prefer Eleanor, Matilda, and Cecilia over Althea.
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  • this is old news, but I really liked someones' suggestion of seraphina & penelope..

    heheh penelope cruz was in the news years ago and my hubby pronounced her name "penn-ay-lope-ay"

  • Someone my DH is friends with on FB ran into us in public and said oh, your daughter is so cute, her name's PENN-uh-lope, right?"



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