I am expecting my second DS and want to cloth diaper from the beginning but I am on an extremely limited budget. I pulled out all of the diapers I can find and sorted them and have come to a few conclusions. My newborn and size small stash is quite bare and I seem to have lost quite a few covers along the way between moving across country last year and separating from my husband during this pregnancy.
I think I could get by if I purchased a few dozen flat diapers and filled in the gaps in my current cover stash.
I do not have any newborn covers, though. I'm wondering If I really need them or if I could possibly get by with just size smalls. I know that every baby is different and there is a chance this baby could be a few weeks early, but DS1 was almost 8lbs when he was born at 37 weeks.
Thanks in advance!
(I tried using search to find the answer but I think it's out of order. I'm sorry if this has already been answered.)
Re: Do I really need size newborn?
Our small covers wouldn't have worked during the early newborn stage. In fact, she's still in between nb and small sizes in covers.
That being said, if you purchase 2 covers such as Thirsties duos, you should be fine.
Offtopic - omg your baby is so cute! 11 pounds? Aww... look at those cheeks!
Thanks Ladies
I think I have a few ideas now and I will see what I can get with the money I have saved.
(I also agree with the post above. Your DS is adorable!)
DD1 born 5/24/10.
Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.
DD2 born 5/14/13.
Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.