Sorry if you see this post every day!! I'm a first time mom and it's pretty earlier in my pregnancy, but I'm thinking that I want to do cloth diapers. There's a green CD company that services my area. It's $23 a week. If you purchase 26 weeks at once, there's a 5% discount; 52 weeks gets you a 10% discount.
I have NO idea how much regular diapers cost. Would I be spending more or less than $23 a week on regular diapers? Can you help me out with estimates?
Re: Costs of cloth vs. plastic
With 1 in diapers, we probably spent around $40/month on diapers. A service would be more expensive than disposables, but doing them yourself would definitely be cheaper. You could get your entire stash (depending on what you decide to buy) for $200-$300 easily, and never have to buy another diaper.
The service is probably nice, but IMO not worth it if you're doing CD'ing for money savings. If you're not concerned about the money and doing it for environmental reasons, or for baby, it may be worth it.
<a href="
This has a good graphic and explanation.
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