DS was always really cautious when he was little. Not as much now, but I guess he does everything I would expect a 3.5 yo boy to do. And, maybe I was overly protective since he was the first so he didn't have the opportunity to try some of the things I find DD trying (climbing up the slide, jumping off the stairs, etc). When he was the age DD is now he was never as rambunctious as she is. She makes me so nervous. She climbs everything. She jumps off everything. Sometimes I think it's because she is copying her big brother and trying desperately to keep up with him and sometimes I wonder if it's just her personality.
We did a lot of playing outside today and I thought she was going to seriously injure herself a couple of times. She can't be stopped.
How does this compare to others experiences with second or other subsequent children?
Re: Is this a second child thing, or just the personality difference between my two kids?
It could be a little of both. I definitely think the second-born child has a tendency to be a little more daring both because they see their older sibling doing more advanced things, and because the parents aren't as rigidly protective as they may have been with the first. It's held true with my two boys.
YES ! Absolutely no fear in the water!! Which is the complete opposite of big brother who won't go anywhere near it. She's scary around the water.
my read shelf:
I have to LOL, my second daughter is a MANIAC! She scales any furniture the second I turn my back, and isn't afraid of anything. She ran right into the ocean this summer.....makes me nervous for sure!