Maryland Babies

Daycare Recs in Mt. Washington Area/Q for Teachers

Hi, ladies! I'm an occasional lurker with a question. I am pregnant with my first and I'm looking for home daycare recommendations in the Mt. Washington area, or other areas close by. (Pikesville, etc.) Does anybody have any they could recommend?

As a bonus question, for those of you who are teachers and stay home during the summer, did you have trouble finding a daycare that would accomodate your schedule? DH plans to stay home during the summers when he isn't teaching, so we obviously don't plan to pay for daycare during this time.

Thanks for any advice or recommendations!

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Re: Daycare Recs in Mt. Washington Area/Q for Teachers

  • My DH is a teacher and we found an in-home provider that allowed us to go part time in the summer.  My DH taught summer school and is a department chair, so he still works a bit in the we did need some hours every week.

    I interviewed several in home providers and they were all willing for us to be part time, as long as they knew we would eventually be full time.   


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