
NT Scan this morning- AW

Went wonderful. The babies are "stacked" 1 on top of the other and measuring great with no markers! I understand that gender determination right now isn't 100% but I honestly believe we got some VERY obvious crotch shots. The tech was able to point out a vertical numb on baby A/bottom (measured 12w6d) and 3 lines on baby B/top (measured 12w3d).
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Re: NT Scan this morning- AW

  • My scan is next week so I've been doing a little research on the possibility of gender determination as well! Someone here (maybe 1st Tri?) a couple of days ago posted a link to a site that discussed it with actual pictures. And from what that showed, I think a vertical "nub" meant girl and a "nub" inline with the spine meant boy. It was a super fascinating website!

    ETA: I was backwards about the nubs! Here's the site..

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  • I had my NT scan yesterday and they said they would put money on the gender. They did mention before telling us not to run out and buy anything but the rest of the appointment they kept referring to them by that sex. Guess we'll be able to know for sure when we go back in a few weeks!
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  • OMG how exciting!!!!  You'll have to let us know in a few weeks if they were right!  I'll be 13 weeks exactly when I go for my NT scan.  It would be so exciting to find out, but I'd rather have a more for sure answer when I find out.  We'll see......Going to check out that website now!
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  • I wouldn't go out and buy clothes based on your scan because they tend to be wrong this early. It'll be interesting to see if they were right though! We found out our twins were boys at 16 weeks on a dinosaur ultrasound machine and they're still boys so who knows : )
    Mom to six awesome kids - Levi is 12, Landen is 8, Gabrielle is 6, Lucas is 3, and Oliver and Samuel are 2 years old. Love my crew. Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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