I am seriously considering using cloth diapers for LO, or at lease a combination of cloth and disposables. But I am finding it so overwhelming reading about cloth diapers....do many rules, so many types, how to wash, with what, soaking, wet bags?, prefolds, pins (do people still pin diapers?), liners, doublers, all in ones......ahhhh.....all these terms mean nothing to me!! And it seems every website I go to only really explain the type they're trying to sell...not really a comparison.
So my question for y'all is: Do you ladies know any good cloth diaper books (or non biased websites)? A sort of "cloth diapers for dummies" would be great haha. I really want to raise this baby in the most environmentally friendly that I can, because I have a Univ. degree in Environment, so i feel its my resposibility....but I'm so lost!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIA!
Re: Diaper Book???
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!