I'm thinking about buying a few Super-Dos (made by Knickernappies) for my heavy-wetting 10 month old. Anyone have any experience with these? What are your favorites?
I have some "conditions"--we will be using prefolds and wraps for nighttime because DS2 is too big for pocket diapers (he's 30 pounds at 10 months and has already grown out of BG 3.0 onesizes!). I cover the prefold and inserts with a fleece cover usually, but sometimes a Thirsties cover. I'd like to keep things as trim as possible. Right now we're doing 3 microfiber inserts and it's a big 'ol mess.
Re: What is your favorite insert/doubler for heavy wetter?
Stephanie on here reccommended these to me
I just bought them and we're on night #3 of wearing them to bed. Just that with a thin, basic microfiber insert and it's working great! My son is 19 months and a heavy night time wetter. I've tried bamboo and other combinations of inserts and doublers but this seems to be our best fit right now. Not as bulky and it's doing it's job!