Two Under 2

Maclaren Twin Techno

I was thinking of getting a double umbrella stroller, since I really dont see me needing a big bulky stroller for two, especially with travelling, etc.  I saw that the maclaren twin techno can be used from birth (I guess because it can lay flat).  Anyone have it, will it be okay for the first six months with a newborn?
DD (8/12/09), DD (2/8/11)
BFP 12/16/14| EDD 8/19/15 |MMC 1/15/15 (9 weeks 1 day)

Re: Maclaren Twin Techno

  • I have a Triumph and hate it. I used it maybe 3-4 times. I'm looking to sell it........

    The double Maclarens do NOT steer well. I've been spoiled with my air-filled tire double, and so that's what I compare it to. When you have a weight difference in a double stroller, it's a pain to push around on those little wheels. JMO.

    GL in your search! I know there are girls on here that really like the Maclaren doubles. 

    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • We love our Triumph. We keep it in the car and use it when out and about. I would probably not use it from birth, but I was comfortable w/ it around 3 months. She's just a bit sturdier. While it does lay flat I just feel like its a bit flimsy and there's not a lot of stability/support for them when they're that tiny. Maybe if you rolled up some blankets and used them on the side of baby that would make it better. But I do love it for now, DD is almost 4 months, we've had it for about a month and its been great. DS can get in and out on his own, its lightweight, easy to fold, doesn't take up a ton of trunk space... We also have a BOB Duallie that we use for walks around the neighborhood and DH jogs w/ it (though not with DD yet obviously) and it doesn't fit in our car and we have an SUV so we had to find another option. The price of the Triumph isn't too shabby either!


    eta: just read the other response. I agree, it can be a pain to steer w/ a big weight difference. You need to use both hands. BUT I don't think of it as a stroller you're going to take on a long walk. If you want something for use outside this is not for you. If you want something to take in and out of stores and on good sidewalks this would be totally fine. 

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  • I have the Twin Techno and love it.  I started using it only recently with Leah, but Ty was in it starting around 4 months.  Prior to that I found that I would generally use the infant carrier.  However, you can use it earlier, it has a full recline.  And I disagree about the steering, my Maclaren handles great.  The only time it isn't great is on grass or trails, so if you do a lot of outdoor activities, you may want to consider a double jogger with air filled tires. 
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