Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

RE Recommendations?

Can anyone recommend an RE?  I'd prefer someone in Fort Worth, since that is where I live.  TIA.

 (p.s. A friend recommended Dr. Kaufmann, so that is probably who I will use unless I hear otherwise.  So please let me know if you have any opinions on him. Thanks!!)

9/2010: First visit to RE = CD3 b/w (normal); CD7 ultrasound (normal); DH's SA (normal but morph wasn't analyzed, so doc ordered a 2nd SA); Prog. supplements starting 3dpo for all future cycles
10/2010: SHG to check tubes (normal!) & DH's 2nd SA (normal)
2/2011: Start first Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI cycle = BFN
3/2011: IUI # 2 (Clomid + 50iu Follistim + Estradiol + IUI) = BFP!!!
Beta #1 (14 dpo)= 161
Beta #2 (17 dpo)= 518
Beta #3 (24 dpo)= 7,728
BFP Chart
Ryder arrived a month early on November 28, 2011!
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

BFP Chart 2.0 - First cycle trying without RE intervention!
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: RE Recommendations?

  • I used Advanced Reproductive Care Center of Irving (Dr. Le and Dr. Haas) and went to their satellite location in Arlington.  It was the closest RE our insurance would cover - based on some rating scale the insuance has (low multiples, high success rates, etc).

    I used them and was very happy with them - worth the drive for me.  GL with whatever you decide! 

  • Dr. Kaufman is AMAZING! He listened to all of my many questions and was really helpful. His staff is great as well.

     Before we found him, we went to the Dr. Doody's, and lets just say I am not a fan. His passive way of dealing with things made me feel like we were doing nothing....



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