One of the names on our very long list of boys names is Stone. My issue with it is that it seems a good fit for a teen & up. Not so much an infant thru childhood. What's your opinion? Is it too strong or okay for any age? Thanks ladies!
Together Together, 9-23-06.
Little Girl is Here!

Re: Is this too strong?
Personally, I imagine myself wanting to call him Pebble when he's little, which I think is kinda adorable
but he'd probably hate.
I don't know about a Stone who lives in Rockville though..sounds a little silly to me. But I definitely prefer a strong masculine name to a trendy feminine name on a boy.
11.10.10 from my belly to my heart at 11wks 5days
Do you really want your child to get all the "stoner" jokes? Because he will. Long into his adult life.
I don't like it. It sounds...not intelligent. It makes me think of Brick from Anchorman.
It's not "too strong." I'd say it's too dense.
While I firmly believe in naming the adult the child will become, since we're adults for many more years than we are children . . . I think Stone is pretty awful, no matter the age. It's one of those word-names that sounds more appealing than it really is.
You're right that he might like it as a teen, especially if he's in a rock band, but otherwise, not so much. It doesn't sound professional. It doesn't sound mature. It sounds like a 1980s romance novel hero.
I have a friend named "Rock", I like that name
Stone seems like a bad idea to me. It's a last name. Maybe you can use it as a mn.
Thanks. We probably weren't going to use this name for many other reasons, but I appreciate the comments. I was mostly asking in regards to "strong" names like Clint, Flint, Rocco, etc. that are "strong" sounding names for babies, but become better suited for young adults/adults.
I will say that finding a boys' name is freakin' impossible.
I like Clint and Flint better than Stone. There was a character on General Hospital named Stone and that is what I think of every time I hear the name.
I don't see a problem with a child having a strong/adult name. I think it is a bigger problem for an adult to have a childish name. Some of the names that end in y and ie just don't sound right for adults.
Hehehehehe... You made me laugh!
Initially when I read this I thought it was a bit harsh, but the more I think of it, I kinda like it. The "pebble" NN comment made me laugh
I think if you like it and it goes with your last name, go for it. 99% of names have some sort of negative connotation for teasing, etc. As long as you raise him well, he will do fine with the name Stone!
If you're really unsure, but like it, maybe use it as a middle name?
I love love love Rocco. I would suggest it to my DH, but he would say Rocky!