Hawaii Babies

??? Weekly Check-in ???


4forluck ? Elaine May ? 09.20.07

MauidAims ? Kai Adam ? 02.16.08
MrsNFB ? Sean Patrick ? 10.11.08

kauai_luv ? Waianuhea ? 04.04.09
kshiz ? Ella Juliet ? 04.04.09
VanceandLori ? Brooke Jillian ? 05.15.09
Mrs.HulaHunnie ? Jaylee Emiko ? 06.11.09
bigislandhi ? Zoi ? 06.29.09
Mrs.Ziz ? Bella Kailani ? 07.24.09
Hawaiian Honey ? Matthew Sebron (Matty) ? 08.07.09
MrsWinter ? Ashton Christopher ? 08.14.09
myday1708 ? Alexa Leilani ? 09.09.09
missaloha ? Ellery Lin Ka'imilani ? 09.13.09
MrsNJSwimmer ? William (Billy) ? 11.09.09
Trieulam - Kiptyn ? 11.12.09 & precious angel Kylie ? 11.12.09-1.28.10
MrsPresley ? Annalise Rebecca ? 11.12.09
HulaLove ? Elyse Ann (Elle) ? 12.14.09

Married2MrWright ? Elizabeth (Libby) Joan ? 01.25.10
Sanae78 ? Kaya Akemi ? 02.11.10
SirenSong ? Samara Jane Florence ? 02.16.10
? John (Jack) ? 02.19.10
? Christopher Ryan ? 03.9.10
Lola808 ? Adrian Kapa'a ? 04.8.10
LisaKeiko ? John (Johnny) Samuel IV ? 04.19.10
redshoegirl ? William John & Dashiell Thomas ? 04.21.10
liubride510 ? Kailani Grace ? 05.08.10
inamra ? Blake ? 05.16.10
rwright5 ? Mason Lee ? 06.03.10
supercoolnat ? Zachary ? 06.07.10
parrotgirl ? Mason ? 06.15.10
lelekay ? Henry Benjamin ? 07.22.10
MrsIH ? Jacob Kenji Makai ? 08.28.10
Vanilla15 ? Adair Aolani ? 09.06.10 


July 2010
07.22.10 ? Boy ? RobynLee

October 2010
10.07.10 ? Girl ? ECUPirate04
10.08.10 ? Baby ? mrsnickandnora
10.24.10 ? Girl ? eacerna
10.24.10 ? Boy ? MrsNicole&Brian808

November  2010
11.20.10 ? Boy ? SanHawaii08

January 2011
01.20.11 ? Girl ? Oceangirl22

March 2011
03.13.11 ? Baby ? kinibruin
03.20.11 ? Baby ? MrsZiz

April 2011
04.04.11 ? Baby ? MauiBride2008


Post updated due dates or gender reports here.

(1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?

(2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?

(3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?

(4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?

(5) TMI time!  PG sexy time - yay or nay?

(6) Are you planning to/did you wait to cut the cord?  Are you banking cord blood, publicly or privately?  Why or why not?

(7) Mamas:  When did you/will you start reading to your LO?  What are some of his/her favorite books? 

(8) What questions would you like to see in upcoming check-ins?

TTCers:  Which cycle are you on?  Where in the cycle are you?  What, if anything, are you doing/trying for TTC success?

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: ??? Weekly Check-in ???

  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?

    8 months old this Friday...where is the time going? 

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?

    She's |thisclose| to having two top teeth.  Poor baby...teething like crazy!  She's super mobile now...and pulling up and wanting to walk!  The babies in my family tend to walk before 12 months...I wonder if she'll be the same?  She's also practicing more and more consonants and vowel combos...new to the mix are Brummm...Thaaaa...and Kikika (which we think might be her version of kitty cat). 

    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?

    Follow-up to her flu shot (booster) before we go to Seattle (I still need to get mine!) and 9 month appt. after we return.

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?

    Teething baby!  She wimpers in the night...so sad.  We give her acetaminophen before bed but obviously it wear off after 4 hours or so.

    (5) TMI time!  PG sexy time - yay or nay?

    Not really.  Between nausea/fatigue and poison ivy in the First Tri, LOTS of travels in the second tri and feeling huge and awkward in the third tri we didn't get it on that much.  Maybe once every 3-4 weeks!

    (6) Are you planning to/did you wait to cut the cord?  Are you banking cord blood, publicly or privately?  Why or why not?

    We asked to delay cord clamping but our doctor said she wasn't comfortable with that (she said it can cause jaundice, which isn't true if you WAIT for the cord to stop pulsing on it's own)...but yeah, I didn't feel like pushing for it. Given the difficult third stage of delivery that I had it was probably best that we didn't wait to cut the cord.  I would have been interested in banking the CB if it didn't cost thousands of dollars.  We just didn't have that kind of expenditure in our budget.

    (7) Mamas:  When did you/will you start reading to your LO?  What are some of his/her favorite books? 

    I started reading to her in the womb...seriously.  We've been reading her books since she was born.  She starting turning the pages on her board books around 10 weeks old.  Too cute!  She loves all books, but especially mini board books that she can hold herself (sized and shaped for her little hands). Right now she loves "Goodnight Pooh" which is actually a fabric book my mom made her (the fabric is pre-printed with the story...she bought it at the fabric store). It's her bedtime book and she lights up as soon as she sees it or even just hears the story (which I have memorized!)

    (8) What questions would you like to see in upcoming check-ins?

    What are your LOs favorite toys/activities...by age...since I know that many of us feel at a loss as to what to do or play with babies.

    TTCers:  Which cycle are you on?  Where in the cycle are you?  What, if anything, are you doing/trying for TTC success?

  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO? 


    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share? 

    Still feeling great!  It's still really hard to process that I'm still preggo.  Had the NT Scan this week and it went very well, such a huge relief :)

    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up? 

    That next thing I'm looking forward to is that I go for my 14 week appointment on October 5

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week? 

    Trying to make my old pants still work.  I'm puffing out all over the place now.  I'm waiting for my maternity work pants to come in the mail from Target so I will be more comfortable while sitting at my desk all day.  I busted out the maternity jeans last weekend and it was sheer bliss!! :)

    (5) TMI time!  PG sexy time - yay or nay? 

    We haven't had any sexy time since we found out...poor husband :(  It has been my choice because I have been so nervous to have sexy time in fear that I would bleed or something would happen being in first tri.  He comes home on Thursday night from being OOT all week, maybe he will be lucky and get some sexy time after 3 months! ;)

    (6) Are you planning to/did you wait to cut the cord?  Are you banking cord blood, publicly or privately?  Why or why not?

    We are not planning on banking the cord blood.  The expense is too high.

    (7) Mamas:  When did you/will you start reading to your LO?  What are some of his/her favorite books? 

    I guess now that LO can hear me now, maybe it's time to start reading?  I do plan to introduce reading very early though.

    (8) What questions would you like to see in upcoming check-ins?

    TTCers:  Which cycle are you on?  Where in the cycle are you?  What, if anything, are you doing/trying for TTC success?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    | Olowalu, Maui ~ August 6, 2008 |
    | Family of 4 ~ April 2, 2011 |
    | Family of 5 - October 24, 2012 |
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  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?

    2 months old today!

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?

    Well, today's a big day!  First of all, we go to the doctor for Henry's first shots today....yikes!  Wish me (note: ME, not Henry!) luck! 

    But the biggest thing is that I am stopping breastfeeding today.  This both makes me sad and elated at the same time.  It's going TERRIBLY, and I just can't take it anymore.  Henry screams at the breast, wanting more and faster.  We typically only get one decent session a day (I'm still trying every feeding), and by decent I mean that he might suck at one breast for up to anywhere from 2-5 minutes, then starts screaming and won't take the other breast.  I plan to still pump for a few weeks,and give him at least some every day.  And I do have a total of 144 ounces saved, which would only be enough to sustain him not even 5 days, but I plan to give him just 4-6 ounces a day, so he at least gets a little each day for a while yet.  I'm trying to force myself not to feel guilty....I did the very, very best I could....feeding constantly, pumping all the time, taking teas, tinctures, etc.  And he is healthy and growing like a horse with the formula.  No guilt, right???  (as I'm crying as I write this)

    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?

    This afternoon!

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?

    The emotional implications of today's decision.

    (5) TMI time!  PG sexy time - yay or nay?

    Somewhat, but only maybe once every other week.  Not at all in the last 6 weeks.  Incidentally (TMI!) we had sexy time for the first time since he was born last night.....woo-hoo!

    (6) Are you planning to/did you wait to cut the cord?  Are you banking cord blood, publicly or privately?  Why or why not?

    Nope.  Too expensive,  And we asked our pediatrician, and she said she didn't do it, and didn't know anyone in her medical community who did it either.

    (7) Mamas:  When did you/will you start reading to your LO?  What are some of his/her favorite books? 

    In the womb!  We read now every day.  "Goodnight Moon" every night, and he loves this book called "That's Not My Monkey!"

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • 1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?  2 weeks yesterday(2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?  good, but tired (nothing more than can be expected with a newborn).  I find DD is better with eye contact and she is really strong!  (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?  Oct 8 for her 1 month checkup(4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?  trying to get out of the house.  So far we are EBF & I am not comfortable enough with everything to really nurse outside of my comfort zone so getting to the grocery & back before she is ready to nurse again is a challenge.  I bought a pump yesterday so I do have high hopes!(5) TMI time!  PG sexy time - yay or nay?  In the beginning it was pretty much normal, but towards the very end it came to a crashing halt.  I was sooo large & I was worried too much action might make me go into labor!
    (6) Are you planning to/did you wait to cut the cord?  Are you banking cord blood, publicly or privately?  Why or why not?  I would have liked to donate the cordblood to one of the public banks, but nothing like that was offered anywhere near here.  We couldn't really afford the private banking.  I did want to wait to cut the cord until it had stopped pulsing, but there was a little meconium present so DH didn't even get to the cut cord.  Dr cut the cord and gave her directly to the nurse to make sure everything was okay.  DH did get to cut the cord again (to shorten it) after all was okay.(7) Mamas:  When did you/will you start reading to your LO?  What are some of his/her favorite books?   I try to read her whatever I am reading, but overall she is pretty uninterested.  I think we are going to try to start a bedtime routine soon that includes bath, book, nursing & bed.  Hopefully that will work! 
    imageLilypie Second Birthday tickersDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?


    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?

    Feeling good.  Baby moves a TON these days - i'm trying to note when he's most actively, but it's not very regular - just every few hours!  Sometimes he's stretching out quite a bit, with a foot jabbing me in the rib or the side - I push back gently until he retracts, b/c it hurts! 

    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?

    Monday, regular appointment

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?

    nothing new really.  sleep and drinking enough water have been ever-present challenges this entire PG!

    (5) TMI time!  PG sexy time - yay or nay?

    Not so much, sigh.  I was not interested at. all. first tri.  Way too tired, and it just wasn't doin' it for me Stick out tongue.  Since then, MH has been working crazy hours, it's been very sporadic Sad

    (6) Are you planning to/did you wait to cut the cord?  Are you banking cord blood, publicly or privately?  Why or why not?

    I'm considering donating to a public bank, which our hospital does support.  No reason not to, in my mind.  Just need to figure out what forms and all that I need to take care of to do so.  Definitely not doing private banking - not worth the $$$ to me, nor do I think we'd ever use it.  Undecided on waiting to cut the cord. 

    (7) Mamas:  When did you/will you start reading to your LO?  What are some of his/her favorite books? 

    I keep wanting to read to him now, but haven't done so yet.  I should just start making it part of my routine before bed or something. 

    One woman said on our work mom's list that she just started reading to her 16-mo old - and he's not interested at all yet.  I was surprised at how many other people chimed in and said it was normal, and that he'd be more interested later.

    Based on the experiences I had been hearing for you ladies, I'm determined to read to him early and often!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Haven't done one of these in a while! 

    (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?

    7 months + 11 days

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?

    Tons of milestones in the last few weeks!  2 bottom teeth are in, she started clapping at 7 months (which I guess is early as her pedi said she expects it around 9 months), we taught her high five, and she pulls up to standing.  My dad and I both walked at 9 months so I wouldn't be surprised if she does the same.

    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?

    Nothing until her 9 month well check.

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?

    Hmm...for the past few weeks it has been diaper changes.  She will.not.stay.still!  It's gotten to be so frustrating and difficult.  

    (5) TMI time!  PG sexy time - yay or nay?

    Meh.  Honestly, I don't even remember how often we had sexy time when I was pg.  A lot more than now, though!

    (6) Are you planning to/did you wait to cut the cord?  Are you banking cord blood, publicly or privately?  Why or why not?

    We didn't wait to cut the cord because we banked the cord blood with Cord Blood Registry.  My OB recommended doing so because she has a couple patients who have already needed to use theirs, and she banked hers.  At first I didn't think it was necessary but I did more research and decided to do it since we could afford it and I got a big discount because I'm an RN.  I see it as like a life insurance policy.

    (7) Mamas:  When did you/will you start reading to your LO?  What are some of his/her favorite books? 

    We started reading to her when she was a couple weeks old.  She wasn't too interested at first but she is more so now.  We read Dr. Seuss's ABC book and Goodnight Moon most nights before bed.  We also used to read her other Dr. Seuss books a lot but she rarely made it through a whole book.  We got Larry Gets Lost in Seattle as a gift from our friends in Seattle and B said she was laughing at parts of it, so I guess she liked that one!

  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?

    she is 10 months 1 week 3 days

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?

    no big/real milestones this week, but she's started doing her 2nd sign (first was "milk") - she now signs for "water" when she is eating and gets thirsty. she doesn't do it perfectly, but i get the idea :)

    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?

    she just went in today for her flu shot, we'll get the booster in 1 month.... got to weigh her while we were there :) she's now 16 lbs 1 oz! :) i think we are getting ready to switch from 3 months onesies to the 6 months size LOL. she's been wearing size 6 months dresses for 2 months now but for some reason the onesies are fitting much longer.  her halloween costume is a size 6 months :)

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?

    can't think of anything right now

    (5) TMI time!  PG sexy time - yay or nay?

    nay :( at the beginning i was too scared to do it and then towards the end DH was afraid of "hurting" her even though he knew he couldn't

    (6) Are you planning to/did you wait to cut the cord?  Are you banking cord blood, publicly or privately?  Why or why not?

    we wanted to donate it but the hospital was not set up for it

    (7) Mamas:  When did you/will you start reading to your LO?  What are some of his/her favorite books? 

    i wanted to start en utero, but never did.  but i did start reading to her pretty much as soon as she was awake for more than just eating :) i now read to her on a daily basis...she LOVES it.  if she has a choice between toys and books, she almost always picks books! when i put her down in her play room she will just gravitate towards her books and start "reading" one on her own until i come over and read it to her :)

  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO? They turned 5 months old yesterday!

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share? Tired. They've been up all hours of the night lately and it's really taken a toll on me. And emotional - I only have a month left to go back and I'm really struggling with it.

    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up? Will's physio appointment next week - then nothing until their 6 month checkup!

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week? Getting day care straightened out. It's been a nightmare.

    (5) TMI time!  PG sexy time - yay or nay? Not after about 16 weeks - well, not often, anyway. I felt very huge and uncomfortable and unsexy, plus the pressure on my cervix tended to make things painful.

    (6) Are you planning to/did you wait to cut the cord?  Are you banking cord blood, publicly or privately?  Why or why not? No - waiting isn't an option when you have twins. We didn't bank the cord blood - it's crazy expensive!

    (7) Mamas:  When did you/will you start reading to your LO?  What are some of his/her favorite books? I think about 6 or 8 weeks? Their attention span didn't really kick in until a bit after that, though - in the beginning it was primarily for myself lol! But now they LOVE it - they get so excited when I pull out a book, and we have reading time at least 3 times a day. They love Dr Seuss (especially Fox in Socks and Green Eggs and Ham) and the Spot books - The Hungry Caterpillar is popular too!
  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?Almost 14 months! Crazy huh?! I'm 14 weeks and a few days pregnant.
    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?Feeling much better although I can't eat much at once. I am snacking WAY more and not able to eat full meals, when I do, I feel AWFUL! I was NOT like this when I was pregnant with Bella! As for her, she's doing all sorts of fun things! She's let go of things a couple of times and balanced on her own. She's clapping hands, this took awhile because her hands aren't like ours so I don't think she understood what she should be doing until a month or so ago. She's giving high fives. She also pats your back and says "papapa" because when I pat her back I say "pat pat pat". When you say what does a dog say she barks! She says "yeah" and "no"(3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?Why are your kiddos getting flu shot boosters? Our pedi never mentioned this! Bella will be getting her flu shot soon. As a peds nurse we always recommend not to get it too early (as in before mid sept) or you don't get coverage for the full season. Our dr wanted us to get it in August and I said no that we'd come back for a shot only visit. My next appt is at 17 weeks, they changed the dates so I could see the dr and not the midwife to discuss getting progesterone injections since my water broke early with Bella, we want to prevent that from happening again so we'll be talking about options.  (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?For me, still eating. I feel like a constant grazer!   As for Bella, things are going good. She's started figuring out she can open the drawers in her room so she's done that and pulled stuff out a ton of times!  (5) TMI time!  PG sexy time - yay or nay?With Bella I was SO tired my first tri but once I hit 2nd tri, it was back on! This time, I think we've been better about it. Even though I was exhausted we're trying to make it happen at least once a week. It's not "forced" like it sounds but really I think it's an important part of a relationship. Besides that having one kiddo already it's hard to make it happen, so I want to be sure we get plenty of it in before we have this one! 
    (6) Are you planning to/did you wait to cut the cord?  Are you banking cord blood, publicly or privately?  Why or why not? It wasn't an option for us since she was so early, they wouldn't bank her cord blood and we couldn't delay the cord cutting. I thought about it initially but then when things started happening, I just wanted a healthy baby so I didn't really care when the cord was cut.(7) Mamas:  When did you/will you start reading to your LO?  What are some of his/her favorite books? I started reading to her in the womb. We read her normal books not baby books, I would read everything outloud. The only book I read her that was a "kid" book was called I love you more than anything. I bought it for her while I was pregnant and shopping and it was adorable. She still likes it. She LOVES board books, because it's easy to turn the pages and she really likes that. She also LOVES touch and feel books. When you watch her "read" by herself, she knows exactly where the touch and feel parts are and she feels them and then turns the page. It's really fun! This time, the baby hears whatever Bella wants me to read :) (8) What questions would you like to see in upcoming check-ins?What do you use as a diaper bag? What are your likes/dislikes about the bag you use? Do you think you'll need a different bag once you have two kids?TTCers:  Which cycle are you on?  Where in the cycle are you?  What, if anything, are you doing/trying for TTC success?
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