Just started this evening, now she cant sleep...Its so loud, that Im afraid shes going to throw up....I feel so bad...Poor kid...Gave her a little of Dimetapp, but dont think I gave her enough as shes still going strong...What do you do? Suggestions? Its been awhile since my dd has been sick...Feel like I have an infant again...Thx
Re: DD has a bad, constant cough...
Is she having seasonal allergies? My son really suffers with nasal allergies in the spring and fall. His nose runs all day, then he coughs a persistant, dry cough at night.
If the cough is being caused by post-nasal drip (snot running back into the throat from the sinuses) having her blow her nose will help. If my son is coughing in his sleep, I'll go in and have him wake up enough to blow his nose. This usually stops the cough for a while!