So Ive never been on this board before but I really need help with a situation with a friend. She has planning to adopt a little girl this month. She went to the hospital on friday when the birth mom went into labor and stayed in the hospital until monday when sheand her husband should have taken the baby home. On monday afternoon the birth mom decided to keep the baby. My friend emailed a mutual friend to tell everyone but hasn't been in contact with anyone since.
My question is... my friends and I have a bit of money saved for her shower (which she requested that we hod after she had the baby home) and would like to do something for her but I'm not sure what is apporpriate... any ideas?
Re: Question (warning sad)
"I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine
"All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."
Personally going through this, and being depressed for months, the best thing you can do for your friend is give her all the space and time she needs. We also had the BM change her mind in the hospital, and it's like losing a child. I still to this day can't talk about what happened with my friends even though we now have our beautiful DD home. Follow her cues, and give her space. If she doesn't want to talk, just let her know that if she ever does, you're there, and if not, that's okay too.
Remember, she'll eventually bring a baby home, even after all this heartbreak, so you may want to hold onto the money for the shower for when she eventually needs one because she brought home her forever child.
Good Luck.
This is kind of what I was thinking as well! You are an amazing friend for even thinking about her. Maybe do a small gesture all together now and save the rest for her shower because like Amber said, she WILL bring home a baby one day and you want to be able to do something then as well. I'd still do a GC but maybe for just like one dinner vs. multiples.
Your friend is very lucky!
The one tangible thing I wish I would have had a friend do was unpack the baby stuff. It was really painful to do so. I know I didn't necessarily want people over but if I ever go through it again, I'll call my bestie or one of my adoptive mom friends to come do that for me.