
Picture clothing help...plz!

For family pics....mid October. 

Should we do all solid colors?  same family (like all blues)? pick two  (like one for the boys, one for the girls?  

I had already bought shirts from Gap, several months ago, for the kids....the Dk denim shirts for girls (and khaki capris/pants) and White LS polo (is a cotton knit, not pique, with dk jeans for the boys).  Then was going to do like a dark teal with Jeans for me, and maybe a plaid (teal/tan/white small plaid) for DH with khakis.  Now I just don' know. 

Any thoughts/advice?  I also found a mustard-ish shirt I like for maybe a yellow/blue white plaid for DH?  

DH is pretty dark, so I need to keep his clothing lighter, right?


 ETA: it will be outside...late morning. probably in a park (lots of trees) or big flower garden area.

Re: Picture clothing help...plz!

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