My daughter was born on April 17, 2010, so she is now about 5 months old. We are thinking about TTC again starting this month. Is this too soon?! Are we crazy? Anyone else have an experience with this that they would like to share? TIA!!
if you're crazy, i am too....i just lurk on this board, but it's because i really want to start TTC #2. my LO is 4 1/2 months old. i figure there are going to be things that are harder and easier no matter how far apart they are, and i've always wanted my kids to be close in age, so why not go for it? Good luck!
If you want another baby, then you are not crazy. For me, it's been rough, but that's my personality and my DH being on a special project at work and never home
But there are sooooo many pros of having your babies so close-still havign baby stuff, they'll have a playmate, getting all the "diaper" years out of the way and so many more.
In short, we are all a little crazy, but follow your heart
My mom got pregnant with my brother when my sister was 6 months old. They're so close, and I'm 7 years younger so I'm definitely jealous of their relationship. I'm excited that #2 and DS will be 18 months apart, because they'll always have someone to play with. And I'm still in the baby phase. I can't imagine having another one 7 years from now!
My first turned 1 yesterday and I am 29 weeks pregnant. If DS2 is early like DS1, they will be 14 months apart. It will be busy and crazy, but I couldn't be happier!
That's my hubby's bday!! I don't think it's too soon, it's what you want. My parents did the same thing and I'm a year and a half younger than my brother. BTW I saw your comment on my blog and I really appreciate it, I read it to my baby lol
Jackson W. Holler born 12/9/10 at 7:52 a.m. He is my little miracle baby!! pPROM'ed at 23w1d and delivered at 34w
We did it. It's worked out. I'm starting to get a tiny TTC itch again, but I think it might be the age of the baby. They are so sweet around 5-7 months. They sleep pretty decent, they smile and laugh, they look at you like you are their whole world and they can't go anywhere yet. It's a nice time, but it doesn't last, lol.
Re: Am I nuts? (Its ok to say, Yes!)
I got prego when DD#1 was 6 mos.
If you want another baby, then you are not crazy. For me, it's been rough, but that's my personality and my DH being on a special project at work and never home
But there are sooooo many pros of having your babies so close-still havign baby stuff, they'll have a playmate, getting all the "diaper" years out of the way and so many more.
In short, we are all a little crazy, but follow your heart
I must be legally insane then....I started TTC when my daughter was 6 weeks old
This baby is coming any day now, so they will be 12.5 months apart
My Blog
Nope, not crazy. As long as you are ready for another child then go for it.
For me, the first 4 months were really rough. But now, I LOVE it!! Mine are 16.5 months apart, and we have so much fun now.