Over the past few days I have developed these this rash of extremely itchy little red bumps which seemed to start around my wrists and now have spread to cover both of my arms almost entirely. I also have the same type of red itchy bumps on the lower half of my belly. I call the OB last night and she told me to put hydrocortisone cream on it and to take some benadryl which I did and it is not helping at all! I was so itchy last night I could barely sleep. The OB did not seem too concerned but I am freaking out since I have never had anything like this rash before and I am now 36 weeks preg with twins so I know delivery will be soon and I really want to get this taken care of before these girls arrive. Has anyone else experienced anything like this before and what did you do to help?
Re: Itchy red bumps! HELP!
I have had chicken pox, no measles or scabies and I haven't really been around any kids recently. I just googled my symptoms and this is what I found:
Up to 1 percent of pregnant women develop a condition characterized by itchy, red bumps and larger patches of a hive-like rash on their bellies. This is called pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) or polymorphic eruption of pregnancy.
PUPPP usually begins in the third trimester and is more common among women carrying twins and those having their first baby. The eruptions usually show up first on the abdomen around or in stretch marks (if you have any) and may spread to your thighs, buttocks, and arms. PUPPP is harmless for you and your baby, but it can itch like crazy!
This seems to describe me to a T so I am feeling a little more reassured now however this itchy is driving me crazy!!
Yep, you definitely have PUPPP and I'm so sorry because it is miserable. Be thankful that you are towards the end because it will go away as soon as you give birth. I got it at 29 weeks and I still have the scars on my legs from scratching. The only thing that worked for me was Sarna lotion and Gold Bond Medicated Spray. Also, if you have a Bella band, wear it over your tummy under your clothes. It helps so that your clothes don't rub against your skin. Best wishes and I hope you have those babies soon. I'm sure they're ready and you have done a great job getting to this point and birth will spell relief for your rash!
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I had it too. My MFM prescribed a steroid cream that was stronger than the OTC creams, and it really helped. The worst was when they had to put all the straps on me during NSTs - that really irritated my skin.
Hope you get some relief soon!!
I'm not sure it's PUPPS. PUPPS usually starts on the belly, not the wrists.
Did they check your liver function? They'd want to rule out Cholestasis, which can be pretty serious.