Pre-School and Daycare

preschool tour--What questions to ask?

This is my first post on the pre-school board, so I am sorry if this gets asked a lot.  I am a SAHM and am starting to look into 3 year old preschool for DD for next fall.  Most preschools around here start their waiting list in November--with DS being born then, I am trying to do research and pick out one before then.  Just wondering what good questions I should ask.  With DD's severe peanut allergy, I already have many food/medication/nurse questions.  She will be going 2 days a week for about 2 1/2 hours a day.  Thank you for your help!
DD~6 years old~born June 6, 2008 (1st grade)
DS~4 years old~born November 6, 2010 (1st year of preschool)

Re: preschool tour--What questions to ask?

  • We asked about the class size, credentials for teachers, typical routine, their philosophy (play based or structured learning), potty training and their approach to discipline.  We also had MANY questions about the snack policy, storage of meds, who can administer meds, etc because of food allergies. 

    We chose the school for many reasons but the snack/allergy avoidance policies and practices really impressed us.


    My twins are 5! My baby is 3!

    DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi

    DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame

  • Class size/ child-teacher ratio

    Potty / potty training

    Typical day schedule

    Is there an outdoor play area

    Snacks/snack schedule

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