Do Drs automatically give just the vaccs mandatory for school or do they give more? I want to decide what they get and don't get.
My plan during the consult was to ask for their offices vaccination schedule and getting as few at a time as possible. Does this sound crazy?
I am not sure how I feel about them, it scares me to think that I could be having my baby get something that could hurt them,.... so I don't know.
Re: Speaking of vaccinations
Your pedi should be able to give you their vacc schedule. I would also ask whether they will participate in alternative/delayed scheduling upon request - ours does not and is very clear about this up front.
With twins on the way (congratulations!) I would really think hard about delaying their vaccs. You will be amazed how many complete strangers will touch newborns (in general) and twins (in particular). For some reason people feel compelled to touch their hands, get down in their little faces, etc.
But no, it doesn't sound crazy to worry about what goes in your LO's bodies. But also think about what else could get in their tiny bodies without a recommended vaccination given on schedule.
My twins are 5! My baby is 3!
DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi
DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame
WOW! Thanks, such great things to think about. I will have to talk to my husband about this stuff. I am going to have to google some info, I don't even know how many different things they get vaccs for.
Thanks again!
Your pedi should give you the vaccination schedule on your first visit. In my opinion, they give way too many at one time so my pedi and I have worked it out and they get 1 shot every time they go, now I know that some of those shots are combo and there's nothing I can do about that but I think it's better than getting a combo shot and then another one on top of that. DS actually had a reaction last time and had a 103 fever for 5 days after the shot so I was really glad we had decided not to do any more in that particular visit.
Some pedi's are more agreeable than others, I was actually "invited to leave" my first pedi b/c I would not agree to their schedule.