My boys were born at 38w, 5 11 and 5 3 and have been growing like weeds. At one month they were 8 3 and 7 11, and had grown 2 lbs each in the previous 2.5 weeks. They'd been taking 4 oz every 4 hours, but that was shortening to 3 hrs so I increased to 5 oz a week ago and they're roughly back eating every 3.5-4 hrs (24 hours a day). But net net, it's the same amount of formula per day, so I don't know what to do. Can their tummies handle 6 ounces at once? I think this is SO much food but my dr said it was fine, that they had some major growing and catching up to do. Also, FYI I was bfeeding/pumping, but only until about a week ago. My milk came in late and I never produced more than about 20% of their daily intake so I gave it up when I my round the clock grandmother help dried up. (Feel terrible and guilty about no longer pumping, but that's another story).
Their night sleep is decent (go down easily, stay asleep), but they want to eat just as often as during the day and it's killing me. Though, one twin has been seeming like he wants to sleep longer stretches.
So, a) is it nuts how much they're eating? b) could they eat more (I know this is a big growth spurt week roughly?) and c) is it too soon to screw with their eating schedule to try to encourage a little STTN? i.e. 6 ounces at night time maybe to go a little longer and get more food in them overall?
thanks. This is so hard having never done this before. I find a lot of you ladies were already moms when you had your multiples, and while having more than one is clearly not easy, having some previous knowledge has got to be a major help!!
Re: more new mommy ?s - 6 weeks old
Just figured I would chime in with some reference. My 6 week olds (as of tom.) are currently eating 3 ounces every 3 hours. At night we manage to shove a little more down them and they generally sleep from 9pm to 1:30, then up again at 4:30 and up for the day at 7:30. So they have one longer stretch, then right back up to the every 3 hours.
If the babies are eating more and not puking it back up, then their stomachs can handle it. Mine tend to spit it back up if we go over 3-4 ounces tops, so I am staying there for now. Good luck!
New mom too, but wanted you to know that someone with multiples is giving similar amounts of formula... Our girls are similar actual age, but gestational age 2 weeks now and are also taking 5 oz. every 3.5-4 hours. They are about 8-9 pounds each now. I also just finished supplying breastmilk for the girls and they are almost on 100% formula. Similar situation... grandparents help ran out, I ran out of arms and time to pump.
I've only had two rare occasions where the girls spit up enough to make me think we had given them too much, but they still are very slow to eat the end of their bottles and I'm hesitent to increase how much we're giving them. DH has wanted to increase their nighttime feeding another oz too. I honestly dont think our girls are ready for that yet. If I felt they were ready to take more, I'd go ahead and give it. If your pediatrician gave the go-ahead and you feel your boys can handle an additional ounce, I'd try and see how they do.