if you use cloth wipes, how many do you have for both kids? I recently switched DD to cloth wipes at her changing table...but we were still using throw away ones for DS in the living room (where I change him). Now I am trying to use them for both kids and I dont seem to have enough. I am using circo washcloths and some random cloth wipes that I got for free. Not sure how many I have right now, but its probably like 24-30.
if you use them on two kids, how many do you have? and while Im asking, how many diapers do you have as well if you don't share them btwn the two?
Re: moms of 2 in CDs
I don't know the quantity but I have the equivalent of one large diaper wipes container, actually when they are all there, they spill over the open top but lately they seem to go astray alot. I use both cloth and disposable wipes.
We're back to only having the twins in diapers. Mostly. DD still wears diapers for naps and bed. I really should count, but I probably have a good 40-50 diapers in rotation, best guess. It's enough that I could go 2 days if for some reason I get behind on laundry, but I usually laundry every day just becuase they fill up the machine and don't get clean enough if I try to clean more than that at once.
We actually have 2 changing tables, one in the nursery that we don't use much anymore and one in the living room where we store diapers now.
We have 3 in CD's.
I bought 20 washclothes for $4 and cut them in 1/4's, so I've got 80 wipes. I've probably only used the top 15, but I do laundry every day with the amount of diapers we use.
I also have 40 diapers in rotation. 15 for my 8w, and 25 that my older boys share (24mo and 3yo). All of them are OS pockets, but the ones I use for the nb are a tiny bit smaller. Once I get the oldest PT'ed I'll have 40 diapers to split between the 2 youngest.