Is it a good investment? It seems like you get nickel and dimed for every little thing, but the books are on sale at TRU and I have coupons too. Would you recommend it?
we have bugsby which is vtech's version. it has a cartridge system instead of you uploading the books to it. my son really loves it. I bought it for my dd since she's starting to recognize words.... but she's not that interested. she'd rather me read with her. ds could sit and play with that thing for hours. it was great for our rd trip this summer.
Madelyn loves her Tag and books. She gets to sit in her bed at bedtime and read her books before she falls asleep. She also has the Tag Jr. She loves them both but now that she's older she likes the games that are in some of the Tag books.
My DS just got it for his birthday, and I didn't think he'd like it as much as he does! He's tapered off a little, but for weeks he sat here every night and read his books. I don't know how much the original starter set was, but the books aren't much more than you'd pay for any other books!
go to They had some coupons for it you can use with the sale at TRU to get leapfrog stuff super cheap. My son got TagJr for Christmas and he LOVES it! He didn't at first, but I brought it out again this Spring and its great. It is good independent play and really came in handy when his baby brother was born. We bought him the carrying case too and he calls it his briefcase.
Re: Leapfrog Tag??