I am a teacher, but not currently employed. My professional certification is up July 2012, and I plan on taking my classes (because I am not working I can't get inservice points) to renew now. Is it okay to do them now, or is it to early? or can you take them anytime during the period your certification is valid? It keeps saying online...that they must be completed during the renewal period...what is the renewal period? I know that I can send my application in a year earlier than the expiration date.
DD (8/12/09), DD (2/8/11)
BFP 12/16/14| EDD 8/19/15 |MMC 1/15/15 (9 weeks 1 day)
Re: NBR: Anyone a teacher?
I'm a teacher... but only a second year, so I'm not quite sure of all of the requirements needed in order to renew our certificate.
Sorry! I wish I could help more
You can definitely do the coursework now. The renewal period just refers to the validity period of your certificate. If your certificate expired July of 2012, you need to complete the required inservice points/coursework and submit an application for renewal before that date. Don't let it expire because then you'll have to reapply for a new certificate all over again and the process is longer.
Whatever professional development/coursework you do during a validity period will only count for that renewal. If you do anything extra, it won't rollover towards a future renewal period. For example, I had over 200 inservice points and only needed 120 to renew last year. But, I lost all of the other points (they were trainings and meetings I had to go to anyway). There are only certain ones that you can "bank" for another renewal period and I believe those have to do with META. But, I don't have more information on that.