
Gross question regarding diarrhea

Both girls have bad diarrhea.  Any suggestions for keeping them hydrated?  They both have never really been very sick.  Do you go to urgent care for diarrhea?

Re: Gross question regarding diarrhea

  • Not unless they have not gotten any liquids at all and are showing signs of dehydration. Offer lots of liquids, especially ones with electrolytes (sports drinks, pedialyte, and there are a lot of electrolyte water options now). Even something like apple juice or sprite are okay. Any liquid you can get in them is good! Do they have other symptoms of a stomach bug?
  • Keep them hydrated. Apple juice, pedialyte, popsicles, pedialyte popsicles, jello, applesauce, gatorade. You can try the BRAT diet to help bind them a lil bit. Keep wiping down the house w bleach wipes to keep that bug from spreading! Stomach bugs suck!
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  • When my kids have diarrhea I give them florastor.

    Also, apple juice will burn their bum when it comes out, so I would stick to water, gatorade and pedialyte. 

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